2018 年河南省普通专升本考试
Part I Vocabulary and Structure (1 x 30)
Directions: There are 30 incomplete statements in this part. You are required to complete each one by choosing the most appropriate word or expression from the four choices marked A. B, C and D. then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.
1.You won’t get a loan    you can offer some security.
A. lest    B. in case        C. unless    D. other than 2.Many children chose “Peppa Pig” as their    TV program.
A. favorable    B.favorite    C. preferred    D. preferable 3.Few people know him,        ?
A.do they    B.don't they    C. doesn't few    D. don' t few
4.The opportunity    in a prestigious corporation is a dream for the graduates nowadays in many countries.
A. working    B. to work    C. worked        D. to be working 5.We thought of selling this old furniture, but we’ve decided to    it. It might be valuable.
A. hold on to    B. keep up with    C. turn to        D. look after 6.The book has been translated into thirty languages since it    on the market in 1973.
A. had come    B. has come        C. came    D. comes 7.The Clarks haven't decided yet which hotel    .
A. to stay        B. is to stay    C. to stay at    D. is for staying 8.    tomorrow, our ship will set sail for Macao.
A. Whatever the weather is like    B. Whatever is the weather like
C. However is the weather like    D. However the weather is like
9.    before we leave tomorrow, we should invite all our friends to hold a party to welcome them.
A. Had they come back    B. Were they coming back C. Were they to come back D. Would they come back 10.Susan came out    in the speech contest.
A. the third    B. three    C. a third    D. third 11.My roommate didn't meet the deadline. I regretted        .
A. not to be able to help    B. to be not able to help    C. being unable to help    D. being not to be able to help 12.After    by the doctor, you are required to tum in the examination form.
A. examined        B. having examined    C to be专升本考试时间河南 examined    D. being examined 13.If only I    my four years of college life.
A. didn’t wasted    B. shouldn’t have wasted  C. haven’t wasted    D. hadn’t wasted 14.    the opportunity to study abroad, I could not experience a quite different culture.
A. Due to        B. But for    C. As to    D. Owing to 15.    will our life be like if robots control our life in the future?
A. What do you suppose    B. What will you suppose  C. What you suppose        D. What you would suppose 16.Every boy and every girl    that each day and each hour brings    duty.
A. know; their    B knows: its    C. knows; their    D. know; its 17.When he was asked about the missing cell phone, the boy    ever seeing it.

A. opposed    B. denied    C. objected    D. refused 18.His actions are not        his words.
A. in relation to    B. in contrast to    C. in regard to    D. in line with 19.He looks as if he        nothing about the news.
A. knew    B. would know    C. would have known    D. should know 20.When the police broke into the house, they found the old man    dead on the floor.
A. lain    B. laid    C. laying    D. lying 21.Gilbert often attends on-line public lectures        his horizon.
A broadening        B. to broaden    C. to have broadened    D. to be broadened 22.It is no good    about the living conditions here. You should adapt yourself to the environment.
A. to complain    B. for you to complain    C. for you to complaining D. complaining 23.The striking contrast of another culture provides a mirror    one’s own culture is reflected.
A. on which
B. in which
C. from which
D. out of which
24.Asia is    Europe.
A. larger four times than
B. four times larger as
C. four times as large as
D. as four times large as
25.The librarian said you    return this book to the library by the end of this week.
A. might    B. would    C. dare    D. must
26.    for two years, the bike needs    .
A. Using; repairing    B. Being used; being repaired
C. Having been used; repairing        D. Having used: to be repaired 27.The question he asked was    the electrical equipment should be stored.
A. what    B. which        C where    D. because 28.My eyes are getting tired. I    for two hours. I think I'll take a rest.
A. have read    B. have been reading    C. read    D. would have read bars 29.Polar explorers have to be extremely    to endure the climate and other hardships.
A. hard    B. rough        C. tough    D. fierce 30.As she matured as an artist, she    realize that “all artists are a product of their culture”.
A. kept to    B. came to    C. took to    D. went to
Part Reading Comprehension(2×20)
Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or incomplete statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A. B. C and D. You should decide on the best choice and then mark the corresponding letter on the ANSWER SHEET.
