Part I Vocabulary and Structure (40 points)
Directions: There are 40 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes each sentence, and then write the choice in the brackets.
1.He is guy that he always has so many friends around him.
A. so cute
B. such a cute
C. such cute
D. so a cute
2. Nails protect the ends of human fingers and toes protect the toes of most other vertebrates(脊椎动物)
A. claws
B. as claws
C. as claws do
D. so do claws
3. you say,I still wonder whether the figures are accurate.
A. whenever
C. However D whenever
4. How close parents are to their children a strong influence on the character of the children.
A. have l
B. has
C. having
D. to have
5. The linebacker and captain of the team most valuable player.
A.haven selected
B. has been selected
C. have selected
D. has select many as
6. In the management of a shop,the feedback from the customers , together with opinions of your manager, you what to purchase for the shop next.
A. tell
B. Tells
C. have told
D. told
7. Some astronomers have pointed out that highly advanced civilization may have existed on other planets long before intelligent forms of life on the earth.
8. Pack the cake in a strong box, or it might get in the post.
9. She didn?t think the failure was her fault. Instead, she would rather it to bad luck.
A. distribute
B. contribute
C. attribute
D. tribute
10. At the meeting he gave an of his plan.
A. output
B. outline
C. outlet
D. outlook
11. His mind was busy all day and allnight on how he could reestablish with the outer world.
A. contract
B. contact
C. context
D. contrast
12. This illness made a of his plan.
A. mess
B. mass
C. miss
D. muss
1 3.The accepted a challenge from another boxer.
A. campaign
B. champagne
C. champion
D. companion
14. He often writes for newspaper, but that's not his main
A. vacation
B.vocation C.location D. dedication
1 5. They gave a broadcast while the performance was in process on the stage.
A. live
B. alive
C. living
D. lively
16. He was exhausted and in no for going to the concert.
A. sense
B. emotion C.feeling D. mood
17. On such , there is only one thing to do is give up.
A. cases
B. occasions
C. circumstances
D. situations
18. To this day I do not regret having made that on killing in the war.
A. proverb
19. Hearing these words, the man stormed out of the room in a .
B. mood C.craze D. rage
20. we should understand the importance of the industrial revolution and by the computer revolution.
A. reference
B. inherence
C. preference
D. Inference
21. Eating too much fat can heart disease and cause high blood pressure.
A. attribute to
B. attend to
C. contribute to
D. devote to
22. This article more attention to the problem of cultural interference in language teaching and learning.
A. cares for
B. applies for
C. allows for
D. calls for
23. Without proper lessons, you could a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.
A. keep up
B. pick up
C.draw up
D. catch up
24. He always did well at school having to do part-time jobs every now and then.
A. in spite of
B. regardless of
C. on account of
D. in case of
25. In Disneyland, every year, some 800,000 plants are replaced because Disney refused to signs asking his "guests" not to step on them.
A. put down
B. put out C.put up D.put off
26. The bed has been in the family. It was my great grandmother's originally.
A. handed out
B. handed over
C. handed down
D. handed round
27. The early pioneers had to many hardships to settle on the new land.
A. go along with
B. go back on
C. go through
D. go into
28. The prisoner nervously up and down the cell.
A. wandered
B. paced
D. paraded
29. He has gone to the post office to a parcel that has come to him by his brother abroad.
A. gather
B. mail C.collect D.pick
30. If you buy something f-rom abroad, you should pay customs.
A. rates
B. taxes
C. fines
D. duty
31. The judge will give his summing up at tomorrow's court
A. period
B. course
C. session
D. schedule
32. when you get to the motorway, follow the to the New York.
A. marks
B. signs
C. signals
D. symptoms
33. Chemistry is the science of and physics is the science of energy.
A. bodies
B. objects
C. substances
D. matters
34. In the exam you cannot be careful.
A. too
B. very
C. much
D. so
35. The parents assured the children that there was no danger,but they could not help
A. worry
B. but worry
C. worried
D. to worry
36. Hot objects emit do cold object.
A. rays more than infrared
B. rays are more infrared
C. more than infrared rays
D. more infrared rays than
37. If I had remembered
