Instruments for connecting a pierceable vial to a
专利名称:Instruments for connecting a pierceable vial
to a container or fluid line to transfer the
contents of a vial into a container or fluid
line and a method for making such a
connection and transfer, and the use of such
a device
发明人:ブレーム ヴィンフリート,カイザー マルティン,
フィーニ マッシモ,ヴェネローニ アラン
摘要: The invention relates to a device or a method for connecting a vial [1] to a container or fluid line to transfer the contents of the vial [1] to a container or fluid line,
the device comprising a first A second holder [5] for receiving a pierceable vial [1], an actuator element [7] and a coupling device [8], the coupling device [8] having an annular housing [13] , An inner component [12] having at least one drilling device [14], and a tube connecting component [16], the annular housing [13] of the coupling device [8] comprising an inner component [ 12] so that the flow path of the connecting device [8] can be opened and closed by the rotation of the housing [13].
申请人:フレゼニウス メディカル ケア ドイッチェランド ゲゼルシャフト ミット ベシュレンクテル ハフツング
地址:ドイツ連邦共和国 デー61352 バット ホンブルク エルゼ クレーナー ストラーセ 1国籍:DE
代理人:田中 伸一郎,弟子丸 健,▲吉▼田 和彦,松下 満,倉澤 伊知郎,山本 泰史
