摘 要
随着信息技术的飞速发展和社会的不断进步,人们都市生活的迅速发展,新型半导体材料LED照明应用得到普与,人们对 LED 照明的高效控制和功能多样化的要求也不断提高。灯饰除了有普遍的照明作用之外,还有广泛的工业用途。针对普通的LED光源存在光谱不全这个问题,本文介绍了一套小型智能灯,它是基于光敏电阻的照明系统,主要的功能是用光照强度来调节LED灯的亮度,就是通过光敏电阻接收到的外界不同的照度来控制LED灯不同的亮度,也就是说,本设计通过环境光照度的强弱对LED灯进行控制,而且可以自动变换,使生活和工业生产更加现代化和节能环保。这个设计的核心在于单片机控制模块,光敏电阻通过外界照度的不同产生不同大小的电信号,本设计先根据电信号的大小规定好对应的数字信号,这样单片机就可以根据输入的数值信号发出红绿黄三路通路/截止的命令,达到辨的目的,判断光强度做好防护,并且可从液晶屏上读出光照强度,调控LED光强,这样的设备在温棚、禽舍、晒相、电路板生产等方面都得到广泛的应用。
关键词:LED(发光二极管) 光敏电阻 单片机 液晶显示屏
最简单的科技小制作With the rapid development of information technology and social progress as well as the rapid development of urban life,new applications of semiconductor materials are popular LED lighting products.Efficient LED lighting and functional diversification of the requirements is also rising.Lighting not only have lighting effect, but also have extensive function of industry. This paper introduces a set of small smart lights, the lighting system which is based on photosensitive resistance, to solve LEDlight sourceforgeneralspectruminsufficiencyproblem.Its mainfunction is toautomatically select thelightcolor.Photoresistor receives different illumination of the light outside to control the three RGY-LED work or not.In other words,a lamp can automatically transform several colors light.It will save the energy sources make our life more modern.The SCM ( Single Chip Micyoco) module is the coreof this design. Photoresistor generated different signals by different external illumination. The design first turn analog signals into digital signals.Acc
roding the digital signals, SCM will release the orders to control RGY-LED work or not.In this way, the purpose is able to choose colors of the lightintellectuality.At the same time it can read the light intensity On the LCD panel to regulat the intensity of Lighting system . Such equipment Have extensive application on Greenhouse, birdhouse, bask in phase, circuit board production.朗读
Key words: LED(Light Emitting Diode) Photoresistor SCM LCD显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音