英 语 听 力
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
1.What time is it now?
A. 9:10                    B. 9:50                C. 10:00
2.What does the woman think of the weather?
A. It s nice                 B. It s warm            C. It s cold
3.What will the man do?
A. Attend a meeting         B. Give a lecture        C. Leave his office
4.What is the woman s opinion about the course?
A. Too hard                B. Worth taking         C. Very easy
5. What does the woman want the man to do ?
A. Speak louder.       B. Apologize to her.      C. Turn off the radio.
第二节  (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6. How long did Michael stay in China?
A. Five days.      B. One week.     C.Two weeks.
7. Where did Michael go last year?
A. Russia.         B. Norway.       C. India.
8.What food does Sally like?
A.Cook dinner.    B.Fish.            C.Eggs.
9.What are the speakers going to do?
A.Cook dinner.         B.Go shopping.         C.Order dishes. 
10.Where are the speakers?
A.In a hospital.  B.In the office.   C.At  home.
11.When is the report due ?
A.Thursday.          B.Friday.        C.Next Monday.
12.What does George suggest Stephanie do with the report?
A.Improve it.
B.Hand it in later.
C.Leave it with him.
13.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?
   A.Salesperson and customer.
   B.Homeowner and cleaner.
   C.Husband and wife.
14.What kind of apartment do the speakers prefer?
  A.One with two bedrooms.
  B.One without furniture.
  C.One near a market.
15.How much rent should one pay for the one-bedroom apartment?
  A.$350             B. $400          C. $415
16.Where is the apartment the speakers would like to see?
  A.On Lake Street    B.On Market      C.On South Street.
17.What percentage of the world s tea exports go to Britain?
   A.Almost 15%      B.About 30%       C.Over 40%
18.Why do tea taster taste tea with milk?
   A.Most British people drink tea that way.
   B.Tea tastes much better with milk.
   C.Tea with milk is healthy.
19.Who suggests a price for each tea?
   A.Tea tasters.
   B.Tea exporters.
   C.Tea companies.
20.What is the speaker talking about?
   A.The life of tea tasters.
   B.Afternoon tea in Britain.
   C.The London Tea Trade Centre.
Dialog 1:
W: What time is your train leaving?
M: It leaves at 10. Ive got 50 minutes left.
W: You d better hurry, or you won t be able to catch it.
Dialog 2:
M: Nice weather we re having! Don t you think?
W: No, it is too cold.
M: I think it is just right.
W: I d prefer a few degrees warmer.
Dialog 3
M: Now, let s stop talking and get going. I need to be in my office in 15 minutes. Or I ll be late for a meeting.
W: OK. Bye!
Dialog 4
M: This course is really difficult.
W: I don t think it s all that bad. And we全国高考最高分 ll benefit a lot from it.
M:So you re taking it, too.
W: That s true.
Dialog 5
W: Could you turn that off? I can t hear myself think!
M: What? 
W: The radio. 
M: Oh, sorry.
Dialog 6
W: Hi, Michael! I heard you just came back from a holiday?
M: Yes. I stayed for a week in China and 5 days in India.
W: You do travel a lot, don t you? Last year, you went to Norway, right?
M: Well, I ve been to quite some countries, but not yet to Norway. Last summer, I toured Russia for two weeks.
Dialog 7
M: Sally, do you like seafood?
W: Yes, of course.
M: Is there anything you especially like?
W:Well, I really don t know. I can never remember the name.
M: OK. Is there any food you don t eat?
W: Well, I don’t eat chicken, and I don’t like eggs, either. But I like all kinds of fish and vegetable.
M: Then, let’s look at the menu , and see what theyve got for us.
Dialog 8
M: You look pale, Stephanie! What s wrong?
W: I don t feel good. I have a bad headache. In fact, I haven t got much sleep this past week, and I feel really tired.
M: Why don t you go to see a doctor? 
W: Yeah, I think I should. But I have a report due tomorrow. Ms. Jenkins needs it for the board meeting next Monday.
