

A.     B.     C.     D.     E.
1. ________        2. ________        3. ________        4. ________        5. ________
6. A. Yes, please.        B. Have fun.            C. Let’s go.
7. A. Here you are.        B. Sorry to hear that.    C. Not at all!
8. A. I’m very well.        B. He’s fine.            C. It’s sunny.
万圣节是几月几日2022年9. A. I have no idea.    B. My pleasure.        C. Good luck!
10. A. It must be Lily’s.    B. We’re in China.        C. They’re blue.
11. What animals does Sam like best?
A. Monkeys.            B. Pandas.            C. Lions.
12. When will the football game start?
A. At 4:30.            B. At 4:00.            C. At 3:30.
13. Who is Tina?
A. Daisy’s mother.        B. Daisy’s sister.        C. Daisy’s cousin.
14. How is Betty’s life in Gansu?
A. Just so so.            B. Great.                C. Too bad.
15. Why was David late for the meeting?
A. Because he’s ill.
B. Because he forgot the time.
C. Because his car didn’t work.
16. How is John Smith?
A. Very old.            B. Very weak.            C. Very well.
17. What does John Smith do?
A. A teacher.            B. A worker.            C. A driver.
18. How many children does Mr. Smith have?
A. 4.                    B. 5.                    C. 6.
19. Why doesn’t Mr. Smith’s eldest son live with his parents?
A. Because his school is too far away from the town.
B. Because he is a teacher in a village.
C. Because he doesn’t like his parents.
20. Who doesn’t go to school in Mr. Smith’s family?
A. His youngest daughter and his eldest son.
B. His youngest son.
C. All of his children.
1. I just bought a new shirt. ________ shirt was pretty expensive.
A. A    B. An    C. The    D. /
2. The ________ rang and Pat answered it. It was his son calling from New York.
A. telephone    B. doorbell    C. clock    D. bike
考查名词辨析。telephone电话;doorbell门铃;clock时钟;bike自行车。结合语境和下一句“It was his son calling from New York.”可知帕特的儿子从纽约打电话来,所以应该是电话铃声响了。故选A。
3. These are my cousins. ________ are both university students.
A. We    B. You    C. I    D. They
【详解】句意:这些是我的堂兄弟妹。 他们都是大学生。
4. We can see the toy bear ________ in the picture.
A. in the box    B. on the bed    C. beside the shelf    D. under the table
