第 35 卷  第 07 期
中 国 涂 料Vol.35  No.071 行业走势Industrial Trends 中国涂层材料行业2019年度产业发展与彭超华,林黎洁,祝奥奇,吴晨至,谢红梅,张丹丹,陈国荣,何凯斌,戴李宗
福建省固体表面涂层材料技术开发基地,厦门大学材料学院,福建厦门 361005)□  Chinese Coatings Material Industry's Development in 2019 and Outlook (Ⅱ)
PENG Chao-hua, LIN Li-jie, ZHU Ao-qi, WU Chen-zhi, XIE Hong-mei, ZHANG Dan-dan, CHEN Guo-rong,
HE Kai-bin, DAI Li-zong 收稿日期:2020-05-20
作者简介:彭超华(1993–),男(汉族),湖北仙桃人。博士研究生在读,主要从事涂层材料以及聚合物阻燃与抑烟研究。(Key Laboratory for Fire Retardant Materials of Fujian Province, Fujian Provincial Technology Development Base of Solid Surface Coating Materials, College of Materials, Xiamen University, Xiamen 361005, Fujian, China)
Abstract: This paper summarizes the characteristics of China's economic development, related policies for the coatings industry, and development trends of its downstream industries including real estate, furniture, automobiles, and ships. Based on data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the Chinese coatings industry's 2019 output, output value, main business revenue, main economic indicators, imports, exports, and other economic development trends are analyzed, and Chinese niche coatings markets' development trends are analyzed in detail. Based on the main characteristics of the Chinese coatings industry's development in 2019, the Chinese coatings industry's 2020 outlook is envisioned in combination with the outbreak of the new coronavirus pandemic.
Key words: Chinese coatings industry, economic development trends, 2019, policies
摘  要:概述了中国经济发展特点及涂料行业相关政策和其下游房地产、家具、汽车、船舶等行业发展形势。以国家统计局
政策中图分类号:TQ630                              文献标识码:C                            文章编号:1006-2556(2020)07-0001-06(接上期)
中国十大涂料品牌2.2 2019年1–12月涂料行业主要经济指标完成情况
据表5所示,2019年全行业规模以上企业1 944家,
较2018年的1 998家减少2.7%,亏损企业数同比增加
