When we eat meals quickly, we miss the feeling of satiety(满足)and we continue eating long before we realize we’re full. However, eating too fast may result in many health problems. 1 So we should slow down our eating with the following four simple ways:
● 2 Put down the phone, close the computer, turn off the TV and focus on your food. Pay attention to the taste and temperature of it. Synching up(使同步) your mind and your mouth will help you get more pleasure from the food that you are eating, giving you the chance to notice the good flavor from every bite.
●Set the table. 3 Set a place for yourself at the table you feel special. If you sit down and eat your meal, you will be more likely to slow down and enjoy it.
●Eat with chopsticks. 4 However, using chopsticks, no matter what food you are eating,
can help you learn to put smaller amounts in your mouth, one mouthful at a time.
●Chew wisely. Count your bites as you chew. 5 Food that is well chewed will be digested more readily and lead to fewer gastrointestinal(肠胃的)problems.
A. Are you eating quickly?
B. Don’t do other things during your meal.
C. Eating too fast is harmful to our health.
D. For example, it can lead to weight gain, experts say.
E. Try and take at least 20 seconds to process each mouthful.
F. Don’t eat while standing at the counter or while looking through the fridge.
G. Using forks and spoons when you eat too fast allows you to take too much per bite.
Waste not,want not
Today, I live in Manhattan with my husband, Alex. I’m an IT specialist and Alex is a lawyer. Life’s good,but sometimes I look at the way we live it and think of Ellie, my grandmother. Her favorite saying was n Waste not, want not. " ①______________ . Ellie carefully folded the paper from parcels and washed glass jars to use again. Frank,my grandfather, used old socks and pullovers(套头毛衣) to protect the plants in winter. Nowadays, we go to a garden center to buy special felt for that purpose. Have we all gone mad?
Such economy seems strange, even ridiculous, in our modem throwaway society, where everything is sold in boxes. ②______________, but as a selling feature to make us want to buy them. Ellie and Frank would have seen the very
idea of a "gift pack" as a cheat.
③______________ The United States produces about 180 million metric tons of waste per year, 70% of which is packaging materials. The average American family uses up six trees’ worth of paper a year. ④______________, they would reach to the moon and back twelve times. "We can’t go on like this," I said to Alex. ” Let’s start at home. If everybody starts at home, then this madness will stop."
⑤______________ Of course, this meant that we produced a lot of waste, but I was shocked to find that this came to over six kilos per week. " Your grandma Ellie with her ‘ Waste not,want not’ was really modem,wasn’t she?" "Not really," I said. "Ellie and their neighbors were just ordinary, traditional New Englanders. We’ve all gone mad since then."
A. Packaging is not only used to protect goods
B. My grandparents threw almost nothing away
C. In one week alone, we threw away five old magazines
D. We didn't often go shopping and then cook meals at home
E. As young Manhattan professionals,we buy a lot of "convenience food"
F. But we pay a high financial and ecological price for our lovely packaging
G. If you placed all the cans used in the United States, in one year end to end
How pets help make healthy lifestyle changes
Living a healthy lifestyle is important because it makes us feel good and increases our lifespan (寿命). 1 Do you want to improve your lifestyle? Here are some of the healthy lifestyle changes you can make with the help of your pet.
Exercise. 2 You can take a dog for a walk, or simply run after your cat around the house. Simple things like these are fun ways to fit healthy exercise into your daily life.
Enjoy companionship (陪伴). Loneliness can make your depression(抑郁) even worse.
3 It helps take your focus away from your problems. Most pet owners talk to their pets. Some even use them to work through their troubles.
4 Have you ever tried walking your dog? If you have, you’ll know that dog walking is an excellent way to get to know new people. It provides a starting point for conversation. Besides, you can learn a lot of owners.
Reduce stress. 5 My little dog acts as my stress ball. Whenever I feel stressed out I play with him or just hug him.
A. Meet new people.
B. Find meaning and joy in life.
C. You don’t have to go to the gym every day.
D. It can also help us come out of our sadness or stress
E. Touch and movement are healthy ways to manage stress.
F. Many pets, especially dogs, require regular feeding and exercise,healthylifestyle