Part One:
*Hometown (昆士兰,南京,成都,西安)
Where do you like?
Tell me something about your hometown? 第二部分卡片提前
How long have you lived there?
王氏姓名大全Do you think your hometown is a good place to live in? Why?
What is your hometown famous for?
Do you know anything about the history of your hometown?
Are you living in a big city or a small one?
Is your hometown a good place for young people or old people?
Is there tourist attraction in your city?
Have you ever learnt the history of your hometown from school?
What do you like most about your hometown?
What needs to be improved in your hometown?
*Study (长沙, 苏州小学生自我介绍, 重庆, 广州)
Are you a student or working?
What is you major?
Do you like your major?
Why do you choose this major?
How do you think of the prospects of your major?
Why do you think the subject you learn is important to your future?
Is your major popular in China?
How important are teachers to students?
Is it easy for you to find a job in the future?
Do you think a degree has become less important for people to find a job?
*Job/ Work (上海)
Are you working or are you a student?
What do you do?电子商务专业是学什么的
Is it easy to find this kind of jobs in your city?
What is the most important thing at work?
*Shopping (郑州)
Where do you like shopping?
Do you like shopping malls?
What do you often buy online?
What kind of clothes do you like?
Have you got any clothes that you bought but dislike wearing?
Would you wear the same kind of clothes when you get old?
*Colours (北京)
What is your favourite colour?
Which colour is special to Chinese?
What colour do you like for your clothes?
In what colour do you want to have your house painted?
*Cooking (大连)
Do you like cooking?
Who cooks most in your family?
*Seasons/weather (南京, 长沙, 西安, 长春)
What is your favourite season?
What do you like to do in different seasons?
What kind of weather do you like and dislike?
Do you like winter?
What do you do in your spare time?
What did you do in the last good weather?
*Noise/sound (北京, 郑州)
What kind of sound do you like and dislike?
Is there any kind of noise that you find really unbearable?
Is there a song that reminds you of your childhood?
Is your hometown a noisy place?
*News (虹猫蓝兔七侠传苏州)
Do you like getting news from TV or newspapers?
What kind of news are you interested in?
*Sports (成都, 上海, 哈尔滨)
What is you favourite sport?
What kind of sports do you want your children to do in the future?
经典语录太经典了Do boys and girls like different sports when they are little?
What sports did you like as a child?
*Travelling (上海)
Do you like travelling?
Do you prefer to travel alone or with friends?
*Movie/ Films (成都)
What kind of films did you like when you were a child?
Do you prefer to watch films in a cinema or at home?
*Reading (大连)
Do you like reading?
What kind of books do you like?
What are the benefits of reading for children?
Do you often visit museums?
Do you think museums are important in your life?
*Dancing (哈尔滨)
Do you like dancing?
When and where did you dance last time?
Where did you learn dancing?
Do you like watching dancing performance?
*Collection (广州)社区工会工作总结
Did you collect any thing when you were a child?
Do you have still have the habit of collecting something?
Spare time (北京, 广州, 上海) 新题
What do you do in your spare time?
What did you do in your spare time in your childhood?
What do you usually do for relaxation?
Do you prefer to hand out with friends or stay at home when you have time?
How much spare time do you have?
What will you do in spare time, travelling with friends or watching TV at home?
Which period of time during the day do you like best?
*Animals (昆士兰,郑州,南京)
What kind of pets do people in your hometown keep? Is there any change compared with the past?
What pets do you like?
Do you like animals?
Time (成都) 新题
Are you a person good at time management?
What do you do in your spare time?
*Letters/emails (广州, 南京)
On what occasions do you write letters? Who do you write to?
What kind of letter/email is difficult to write?
Who do you contact most often by email?
What is the most important email to you?
*Cell phone (北京)
When did you start to use your cell phone?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of cell phones?