    最新雅思口语Part2话题答案:a painting or work of art that you remember
运动怎么不显示步数    You should say:
    when you saw this work of art
    where you saw it
    what it looked like
祝老人健康长寿祝福语    and explain your impression of it.
    Ever since I was a little girl I have always been a huge fan of western style paintings. The
most memorable piece of artwork that I have come across would probably be the Mona Lisa which was painted by the famous artist and inventor, Leonardo DaVinci.
双离合是什么意思    I first saw this painting when I was in primary school, my art teacher taught us about DaVinci’s paintings and of course the Mona Lisa was one of them. At first I thought it was just a boring portrait for an old woman but the more I looked at it the more I began to be attracted by her strange smile. It was also a little funny to me because she had no eye brows and her hair style is different to what I’m used to.
    In my opinion DaVinci painted her almost like St Mary – She has a kind and gentle look and is always smiling at you, even her sitting posture is very elegant with one hand over the other. I think it’s because Da Vinci was a Christian and also painted religious paintings such as the Last Supper.
    I personally think the Mona Lisa is truly an impressive painting, after all it was painted by the great Leonardo DaVinci – without it the world just wouldnt be the same. 京东商城电话是多少
    最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: an interesting advertisement that you have seen
    You should say:
    where you saw it
    what it was about
    why you think it was an interesting advertisement.
    I’m going to talk about an advertisement for Coca-Cola, which is one of the biggest brands in the world. I’ve seen Coke advertised everywhere, on posters and TV commercials
    The advert shows a picture of Santa Claus smiling and holding a bottle of Coke. I think the aim is to target children and associate (link/connect) the brand with Christmas time.
    The advert is interesting because the company is deliberately trying to influence and attract children. The marketers are trying to capture young customers. They are presentin
g the drink as something special, a gift for Christmas. However, Coca-Cola is not necessarily a healthy drink for children; it contains a lot of sugar. Maybe this kind of advertising manipulates children and encourages them to pester their parents.
    最新雅思口语Part2话题答案: a website you like to visit
    You should say:
    How you know it?
    What it is about?
    How often you use it?
    and explain why you like to visit it?
    参考范文: 燃气报警器价格
    I ‘d like to talk about bookclub which is my favorite website.It’s a website that provi
des free reading materials.I started to use it a couple of years ago.It’s recommended by my professor.He suggested that we should read something on it to improve our language skills.Now reading ebooks on it has become my favorite leisure activity.
    2.Now let me tell you about it.It’s more like an e-library which has collected tens of thousands of ebooks.There are original novels,fictions,popular magazines and newspapers.All of those reading materials are free to registered members.Every month,some books and magazines would be uploaded.It’s definitely a paradise for those book worms who desperately want to read original books.
    3.As to how often I use it.Well,I read something on it from time to time.Im a typical book worm who feels obliged to read a few pages everyday.Recently,I joined a book reading club.The club leader would give us some assignments,like reading a few chapters of an original novel every week.Then Id get on it to finish my homework.
    4.I like it because its money saving.All of those reading materials are free to registered users. This actually helps me save a large sum of money every year.You know,those origi
nal books are quite expensive in my country.Its not like Im not willing to pay for those good books.I just cant refuse another way which is more economical.
    雅思口语题库part1话题范文:sunshine/sunny day
    I. Do you like sunshine?Why?
    I love sunshine! When the sun shines, the flowers are extremely beautiful,the colour of the sky is wonderful, even the air smells different.
    2. What do you like to do in sunshine/ on sunny day?
    Well, when the weather is lovely, Id like to go to the beach with my friends. We can play the sands,
    swim in the sea, or just enjoy the sunbath. Sometimes Id like to go hiking or cycling with my family, we chat at the same time, which makes me feel closer to them.
