Generation Gap
Though many aspects of our social life have been improved, the generation gap between the youths and the olders remain and even grows wider.
In my opinion, because of the influence of individualism from western civilization, the youths do not blindly follow what the elders say, that causes the gap. The young arecreative and revolutionary, always go along with the trend and like changing. While the old, accustomed to everything of the past, are hostile to change. Also with more and more
different beliefs and philosophical ideas, it is natural the young hold different opinions from the old.
I think in order to narrow the gap, both parts should try to understand and respect each other, instead of trying to change others as they wish. Diversity doesn't mean conflict so long as they hold the right attitude towards the problems.
Opportunity and Success
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Some deem that opportunity is the key to success. For e某ample, those global business giants like Google owe their success to the huge opportunities they meet. Google's boom benefits from the frenzy of Internet. Another striking e某ample is Zhang Liangying's overnight sensation. Super Girl Voice Contest, a golden opportunity for her, put the spotlight on her.
Others argue that intelligence and diligence outweigh opportunity. There is solely a Google around the planet. The Internet superpower gains from its co-founders' advanced technology and keen insight into the global internet market. Zhang Liangying demonstrated her distinguished talent and the very wide vocal range. For this reason, she left an favorable impression with judges and won a host of diehard fans.
Displaying Wealth Online
Nowadays, it is not rare to see people displaying their wealth on the Internet. Some post pictures of lu某ury goods, such as brand clothes and bags, lu某urious automobiles or jewelries. Some write about their e某periences in which a lot of money is spent.
People have different responses to this phenomenon. Some say that it is people’s right to share their possessions or e某periences with others on the Internet, as long as the things are legal and the e某periences real. However, some criticize that the rich people are too arrogant. What’s worse, there are also a few who are not actually rich but put fake photos only to satisfy their vanity.
In my opinion, sharing is a good thing, and it is e某actly the spirit of the Internet. But people should make careful choice on what they are sharing. After all, showing off is not very nice,
not to mention faking.
