        As the world becomes more and more traveled fewer and fewer of these places can be found. These “forbidden destinations” can be quite attractive but their remoteness and danger means that all but the most courageous travelers will cross them off their to-visit list.复制快捷键ctrl加什么
骗自己        随着世界上旅行者的足迹越来越广,未被发掘的旅游目的地也越来越少。下面的这些旅游禁地其实非常有魅力,但有一些因为路途太遥远,有些则因为太危险,所以就算那些最勇敢的旅行者,也可能会把它们从自己的梦想目的地名单上划掉。
        Cape York Peninsula Australia 澳大利亚约克角半岛
        The Cape York Peninsula sits in Northernmost Australia. It is one of the most remote and undeveloped places in the entire world. It is very sparsely inhabited with only a few tribes of Aboriginal Australians calling the area home. Some parts of the region can be seen
as part of a 4×4 tour补气血的汤卫生间漏水怎么办 though dangerously high temperatures and hazardous terrain can even make this a challenge.
