        inter Olympic Games is held every four years. And the year of 2010 is a time to have the grand game. It was held from February 12th to 28th in Vancouver, Canada. And it is the ninth time that China has taken part in the Winter Olympics since 1980. To our great excitement, Chinese athletes did a great job, winning a total number of 11 medals.
        How did the Winter Olympics first come into being? At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, sports such as skiing, skating and ice hockey became more and more popular and wide-spread in many European countries. Considering the increasing popularity of sports on ice and snow, the father of modern Olympics, Le baron Pie
rre De Coubertin, suggested holding the Winter Olympics Games. And the idea was supported by a large number of members of the IOC. Then, the first Winter Olympics which was called “Winter Sports Week” began in France in 1924. Two years later the IOC gave it an official name: the Winter Olympic Games.
        Le baron Pierre De Coubertin(皮埃尔顾拜旦,18631937),是法国著名教育家、国际体育活动家、教育学家和历史学家、现代奥林匹克运动的发起人。1896年至1925,他曾任国际奥林匹克委员会主席,并设计了奥运会会徽 、奥运会会旗 。由于他对奥林匹克不朽的功绩,在国际上被誉为奥林匹克之父
        IOC: International Olympic Committee的简称。表示国际奥委会的意思。
        申雪/赵宏博19928月开始配对练习双人滑(Figure Skating),至今已有十几年的合作经验。两人的技术特点是动作难度大,艺术表现力强。此外,他们的四周抛跳是世界最高难度的动作。申雪/赵宏博多次在世锦赛上保持着前三名的高水准,先后夺得了1999年和2000年的亚军以及2001年的季军。他们在2002年盐湖城冬奥会上夺得双人滑铜牌。2007,申雪/赵宏博再次夺得世锦赛冠军,之后宣布退役。2009年两人复出,并在2010年温哥华冬奥会上为中国夺得首枚花样滑冰奥运金牌。
        王濛是中国女子短道速滑队(Short Track Speed Skating)的后起之秀,已经成为年轻一代选手中的领军人物,强项是500,多次夺得世界杯分站赛的冠军,并在2006年冬奥会上获得4500米金牌,2010年温哥华冬奥会上成功卫冕,成为中国卫冕冬奥会冠军第一人。此外,王濛还在温哥华冬奥会上夺得了1000米和3000米接力金牌,成为三冠王,中国冬奥会金牌也是中国冬奥历史上夺得金牌最多的选手。
