篇一:英语六级作文模板- 利弊型、观点对比性、现象解释性、问题解决型
1. 写作提纲
(1) 阐述问题
(2) 描述原因
(3) 给出解决途径
2. 历年考题
2008.12 How to Improve Students’Mental Health?
3. 作文模板
With the development of science and human civilization, Many formerly unimaginable things come into reality. some of them have positive effects on our life, but some are distasteful. The phenomenon of ______ is the example of the former/latter one. There are a couple of reasons explaining
the phenomenon. Initially, a host of people are not aware of ________ and pay little attention to it. In addition, some people have formed a habit of ________. Last but not least, the current state of affairs may have been encouraged--though not justified--by the lack of legal penalty.
Based on the above analysis, a series of effective measures are supposed to take to prevent it from bring us more harm. On the one hand, Our government should lose no opportunity to publicize the concept of _____ and its importance for the prosperity of our society and the success of individuals. On the other hand, on no account can we ignore the value of law, so corresponding laws are supposed to laid out to make relative responsibilities legalized. Finally, we need to do our utmost to practice the concept of ____. However, it is easier to say than to do. I firmly believe a bright future is awaiting us if we spare no efforts to ________.
1. 写作提纲
(1) 描述现象
(2) 阐述现象产生的原因,给出支持者或反对者的观点
(3) 提出建议或总结观点
2. 历年考题
2010.12 My View on University Ranking
2009.12 Should Parents Send Their Kids to Art Classes?  2008.06 Will E-books Replace Traditional Books?
2007.12 The Digital Age
2006.12(新) The Importance of Reading Classics2006.12The Celebration of Western Festivals
3. 作文模板
No one can deny the fact that______________. Although, ______________is an old proverb widely acknowledged. People still fall into the trap of ____ easily. Nowadays, we are living in a world full of temptations, one of which is ________. Due to the lack of determined will and experience, a host of people can't distinguish right from wrong, thus making wrong decisions by only considering the good aspects. Currently, there is an increase in the number of youngsters who are crazy about ________. As a result, these can eventually result in distorted self-value.
From what have discussed above, we can safely come to the conclusion that __________. I firmly believe that a significant breakthrough is awaiting us if we spare no effort to ___________. Only in this can we have a promising future!
1. 写作提纲
(1) X带来的好处
(2) X带来的问题
(3) 我的看法
2. 历年真题
2005.06 Say No to Pirated Products
3. 作文模板
With the development of science and human civilization, Many formerly unimaginable things come into reality. When it comes to _____, In fact, these are both advantages and disadvantages in _______.Generally speaking, it is widely acknowledged that there are several positive aspects as follows. First of all, ________. In addition,________. Last but not least,_________.
Just as the old proverb goes that no garden has no weeds, it is a warning to reminder people especially us young people to view these things from various angles. In another word, it still has negative aspects. On the one hand,
___________, On the another hand,_________.
So to sum up, I insist that the advantages far outweigh than the
disadvantages. We should try to bring the advantages of _________into full play, and reduce the disadvantages to the minimum at the same time. I firmly believe a bright future is awaiting us if we spare no efforts to ________. Only in this way can we have a promising future!
1. 写作提纲
(1) 有些人认为(支持)
六级英语作文范文(2) 也有些人认为(反对)
(3) 我的看法
