The history of the Comic Industry has been over 100 years till today. On the one hand, The American and Japanese comic and game industry has been highly developed and already formed complete industrial line. On the other hand, the Chinese Comic industry is being developed at a quite fast speed. Character design plays a decisive role in animations and games. The theoretical study combing ancient visual culture and Japanese comic artworks still keeps blank. As the result, such study obtains both high applied and research values.
This dissertation discusses the application of ancient visual elements in the field of character design in Japanese animations and games through analyzing various successful Japanese comic art work. The dissertation was divided into four parts, and discussed and analyzed from many standpoints such as literature, myth, art and religion. It explored the features of Japanese character design by dealing the research of the special insand culture of Japan, traditional Yamato-e art and the tales of devils. Moreover, it also selected the Chinese and European culture which had been drawn on by Japanese comics so much. The contents of this dissertation greatly referred to Chinese literature, myth and visual arts. Besides, it added the research of the European religion that re-created by Japanese comics. The dissertation was intends to explore the helpful modules from Japanese successful experiences and developing patterns. At the mean time, it provides the methodologies and theoretical foundation of how to develop Chinese traditional culture in the field of animations and games.
Key words: Ancient style; Japanese animation; Japanese manga; Japanese game; ACG; character design
第一章绪论 (1)
1.1 课题的研究背景 (1)
1.2 课题研究的意义 (3)
第二章日本动漫和游戏中的角设计对本土传统艺术的继承 (7)
2.1 日本特殊的岛国地理环境下形成的文化的特点 (7)游戏动漫学习
2.2 掀起和风热潮的浮世绘艺术 (14)
2.3 奇幻妖艳的妖怪传说 (18)
第三章 日本动漫和游戏的角设计对其他国家优秀文化的借鉴 (22)
3.1 日本动漫和游戏的角设计对中国元素的借鉴 (22)
3.2 日本动漫和游戏的角设计对欧洲元素的借鉴 (39)
3.3 糅合多种文化于一体的角设计 (50)
第四章 运用古代造型元素进行造型设计 (53)
4.1 古代造型元素的加入对美术风格形成的影响 (53)
4.2 根据整体环境以及角基本特征分析可以延用和借鉴的古代造型元素
4.3 古代造型元素在角设计中的实际应用 (54)
结论 (56)
致谢 (57)
参考文献 (58)
攻读学位期间发表论文目录 (60)
