    Childhood games hold a special place in my heart, as they were a source of joy, laughter, and endless imagination. One of my favorite childhood games was hide-and-seek. This classic game was always a hit among my friends and me.
    We would gather in someone's backyard or at a nearby park and decide who would be "it" first. The person who was "it" would close their eyes and count to a designated number, while the rest of us scattered to find the perfect hiding spot. We would hide behind trees, under bushes, or even climb up into a treehouse if there was one.
    Once the counting was done, the seeker would open their eyes and start searching for the hidden players. The thrill of trying to stay hidden while the seeker got closer and closer was exhilarating. We would hold our breath, trying not to make a sound, and hope that our hiding spot was good enough to go unnoticed.
    There were many memorable moments during our hide-and-seek games. One time, my friend decided to hide in a large trash bin, thinking it was a clever spot. Little did she know that the bin was scheduled to be emptied that day! We all burst into laughter when the garbage truck came and she had to quickly jump out before being dumped into the truck.
    Another time, I found the perfect hiding spot behind a tall bush. I thought I was safe until a squirrel jumped out from behind the bush, scaring me half to death! It turns out, the squirrel had made a nest there, and I had inadvertently invaded its territory.
    Hide-and-seek was not just a game for us; it was a bonding experience. We would spend hours playing, laughing, and creating memories together. It was a game that required us to use our imagination, problem-solving skills, and teamwork.
