But why do they still call Batman using the Bat-Signal?  为什么这年代了召唤蝙蝠侠还用蝙蝠信号灯
Wouldn't it just be, like, easier to text him?  直接发条短信请他来不是更方便吗
The Bat-Signal isn't just to alert Batman,  蝙蝠信号灯不只是用来召唤蝙蝠侠
it's also to strike fear in the hearts of his enemies  还有震慑他敌人内心的功用
and let them know he's coming.  让他们知道蝙蝠侠要来了
Sort of like Sheldon's knock.  就像谢尔顿的三段敲门法
Comparing me to Batman? I'll take it.  嘲讽我跟蝙蝠侠类似吗  我接受
If we don't do anything,  如果我们不出手
how long do you think they'll talk about Batman?  你们觉得他们能聊多久的蝙蝠侠
Well, I've know them for 11 years, so...  我认识他们已经有11年了  所以...
11 years.  11年吧
I believe they do text him.  我觉得他们也有给他发短信
The-the Bat-Signal is linked to his phone via Bluetooth.  蝙蝠信号灯是通过蓝牙连到他手机的
Has that been in the comics?  漫画里有画过吗
No, it's just what I believe.  没  我个人这么认为而已
All right, I'm putting a stop to this.  够了  我要让他们停下
If you knew how, why'd you wait 11 years?  你如果知道办法  你为什么还等了11年啊
Hey, guys, guess what?  各位  告诉你们
Today at work, I found out I am going to meet Bill Gates.  我今天上班发现我要跟比尔·盖茨见面了
Sorry, Leonard, you and Penny had a good run.  抱歉  莱纳德  你跟佩妮的缘分到此为止了
I'm not leaving him for Bill Gates.  我不会为了比尔·盖茨而甩了他
You sure? I-I bet his Internet's really fast.  你确定吗  我猜他家的网应该超快呢
How did this happen?  你怎么会有此荣幸
Well, his foundation is looking to partner  他的慈善基金会在寻
with a pharmaceutical company to help develop affordable vaccines  制药公司来合作研发价格低廉的疫苗
so they asked me to show him around.  所以公司让我带他转转
That's great. When's he coming?  太好了  他什么时候来
Uh, he gets in on Sunday, and Monday morning,  他大概周日  周一早晨到
I'm gonna give him a tour of the labs and offices.  我会带他去看看实验室和办公区域
Oh. He gets in on Sunday, April first?  他周日  也就是4月1号到吗
Nice try, Penny.  想得美  佩妮
What're you talking about?  你在说什么
April Fools' Day.  4月1日愚人节
This is another one of your classic pranks  想必这又是另一个你年年
you try to pull on me every year.  想愚弄我的恶作剧之一吧
Literally never pulled a prank on you.  我从来没有对你恶作剧过啊
Oh, really? What about last year,  是吗  那去年
when you sent me that e-mail with the photo attached,  你给我发一封电邮写了照片请见附件
but you didn't attach a photo.  结果跟本没附件
That was a mistake.  那是我犯错了
Messing with me? Yes, it was.  想耍我  你当然是犯了错
And this year,  所以今年
I am not falling for it.  我不会再上你的当
- Sheldon, - No... what are you doing?  -谢尔顿  我发誓...  -别  你这是在干嘛
Oh, you're right. He's not coming. April fools.  被你猜中了  他没有要来  愚人节
You know what they say,  常言道
fool me "N" Times,  耍我"N"次
where "N" equals the amount of times you've already fooled me,  "N"等于你已经耍到我的次数
shame on you.  你
Fool me "N" plus one times, shame on me.  耍我"N+1"次  我
So you're gonna spend a day with Bill Gates.  所以你要跟比尔·盖茨共处一天
I'm a little jealous.  我有点小嫉妒啊
Well, I'm a little nervous.  我还有点小紧张呢
You know, if I do a good job, I'm hoping they'll consider me  如果我这次做得好  我希望公司能考虑一下
for a PR position that's opening up.  最近刚空出来的公关职位
Well, if you're nervous, I-I know a lot about him.  如果你很紧张  我知道很多关于他的事
nice是什么中文意思I can fill you in or maybe come along, whatever.  我可以帮你补习  或者陪你一起  我都行
I think I'll be okay.  我觉得我没事的
Well, I'm-I'm just saying, what are you gonna do  我举个例子  万一他想要
when he wants to talk about high-level language interpreters  跟你聊微型计算机的
for microcomputers?  高级语言翻译程序怎么办
What are high-level language interpreters for microcomputers?  什么是微型计算机的高级语言翻译程序啊
A way of programming computers  一种为电脑编程的方式
using words and commands instead of binary code.  是用语言与指令而不是用二进制代码
Oh. That's actually kind of interesting. Tell me more.  这还挺有意思的呢  再跟我说说
Oh,   其实嘛...
That, I'll do that. Mm-hmm.  这样  我会用这招回他
- I didn't even see it coming. - Yeah,   -我真是完全没料到啊  -是啊
You never do.  你从来都没料到过
Well, I-it's just, he's an idol of mine  只是...  只是他是我的一个偶像
and I would love the chance to hang out with him.  我真的很想有机会跟他见见面
Look, I know you want to meet him,  我知道你想见他
but I can't turn this into a social thing, okay?  但我不能把这事变成社交活动  好吗
This is my job. I really need it to go well.  这是我的工作  我得确保这事办得妥当
I get it, I get it. You're right.  懂  我懂  你说得对
Actually, I've-I've already met him once before.  其实  其实我以前已经见过他一次了啦
He gave a talk at Princeton and my mom took me.  他在普林斯顿大学演讲  我妈带我去了
Oh, really? Was he nice?  真的吗  他人好相处吗
He's super nice.  人超好
I-I got pretty emotional and started   后来我太激动就开始哭了什么的...
He didn't make fun of me or anything.  他也没有取笑我什么的
Well, you were a kid.  你当时只是个孩子嘛
