    Riddle: I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person. What am I?
    Answer: The answer to this riddle is a pencil. Pencils are made from graphite, which is often mined. They are then enclosed in a wooden case, known as a pencil, and are sharpened to expose the graphite for use. Although pencils are never truly released from their cases, they are used by almost everyone for writing, drawing, and other purposes.
    Riddle: I am full of keys but cannot open any locks. What am I?
    Answer: The answer to this riddle is a piano. A piano is an instrument that is filled with keys, but these keys are used to produce musical notes and melodies, not to open locks. Each key on a piano corresponds to a specific musical note, and when pressed, it creates a sound. Despite having many keys, a piano cannot be used to unlock anything.
    Riddle: I am taken from a mine, and shut up in a wooden case, from which I am never released, and yet I am used by almost every person. What am I?猜谜语
    Answer: 这个谜语的答案是铅笔。铅笔是由石墨制成的,石墨通常是从矿山中开采出来的。然后,它们被封装在一个木制的外壳中,被称为铅笔,并被削尖以暴露出可供使用的石墨。尽管铅笔从未真正从外壳中释放出来,但几乎每个人都用它们来写字、画画和其他用途。
    Riddle: I am full of keys but cannot open any locks. What am I?
    Answer: 这个谜语的答案是钢琴。钢琴是一种充满了键的乐器,但这些键用于演奏音符和旋律,而不是打开锁。钢琴上的每个键对应着一个特定的音符,当按下时会发出声音。尽管钢琴有很多键,但它不能用来打开任何东西。
