新职业英语2 通⽤版Unit1——Unit8 课后翻译题答案
============================================================================================ Unit1 1.公司所有规章制度都应严格遵守。(observe)
All the company rules and regulations must be strictly observed.
We should be casual when we stay with these students.
The above-mentioned are some communication skills that are very useful in an office setting.
We have a professional team to market our products.
Do you know black clothes will be trendy this fall?
6.与其求⼈,不如求⼰。(rely on)
We would rather rely on ourselves instead of seeking help from others.
7.新车必须符合国家标准。(comply with)
New vehicles must comply with national standards.
Some young people in our company may come to seek your advice
-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. Unit 2
I spilt coffee all over my desk.
2. 会上要求我们每个⼈都提出建议。(contribute)
We were all asked to contribute ideas at the meeting.
3. ⽔果在运送时容易腐烂。(perishable) Fruits are perishable during transportation.
4. 负责的军官在战⽃中受了重伤。(in charge)
The officer in charge was wounded badly in the battle.
5. 显然那间公寓⼀直没有⼈住。(apparently)
Apparently, no one has been living in that flat.
6. 他在退休之前领到了⼀笔补偿⾦。(payoff)
He got a payoff before the retirement.
7. 经理正在把⼯作分配给⼏个⼯作⼈员。(assign)
The manager is assigning the work to several clerks.
8. 他们正在努⼒寻和平解决这种冲突的⽅法。(solution)
They are working hard to find a peaceful solution to the conflict.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unit 3 1.你得确保你已为未来的⼯作做好了准备。(ensure)
You need to ensure that you are fully prepared for your future job.
With their help, we accomplished our task in the end.
Three months later, he finally secured a job with a large computer company.
The manager denied him the chance to explain.
5.我们正要前往机场时史密斯先⽣来了。(set out)
Mr. Smith arrived just as we were setting out for the airport.
6.玛丽放下⼿⾥的⼯作去帮忙准备明天的会议。(put aside)
Mary put aside her work to help prepare for the meeting tomorrow.
7.我们都有资格享受同等的法律保护。( be entitled to)
We are all entitled to equal protection by the law.
They had different opinions regarding this project.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unit 4
1.昨天我留下加了⼀会⼉班。(extra) I stayed and did some extra work yesterday. yesterday.
2.为了赶上她的同学,她学习⾮常努⼒。(in an effort to).
She has been studying very hard in an effort to catch up with her classmates.
Television provides universal entertainment. entertainment.
How can we improve customer loyalty?
Please send us a copy of your latest catalog at your convenience convenience.
6.他⼿头⼯作太多了,不能跟我们去野餐。(on hand)
He has too much work on hand to go picnicking with us.
The advertisement will capture the attention of readers everywhere.
The news program came to us via satellite. satellite.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Unit 5 1. 请通知全体员⼯参加明天的会议。(notify)
Please notify all the staff to come to the meeting tomorrow. tomorrow.
2. 在展览会上你会看到诸如IBM 、Sony 、Nokia 等许多世界著名公司。(to name just a few )
You can see many world-famous companies at the worldexhibition: exhibition: IBM, Sony, Nokia, to name just a few. few.
3. 东⽅⽂化会在这⽅⾯起积极作⽤。(positive)
Eastern culture can play a positive role in this aspect. aspect.
4. 我们必须改⾰并开发更多的产品来满⾜顾客的需求。(innovate)
We have to innovate and develop more products to meet the needs of our customers. customers.
5. 他们公司将于7⽉份推出最新的软件产品。(release)
Their company will release their latest software in July.
6. 这⼀新政策将极⼤地改变⼈们在办公室的⼯作⽅式。(substantially)
This new policy will substantially change the way people work in an office.
7. 他的新⼯作报酬不错,但要求也很⾼。(demanding)
His new job is well paid , but highly demanding.
8. 她每个⽉给家⾥寄500元钱。(remit)
She remits 500 yuan to her family every month.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unit 6
1. 我们都要受⾃然规律的⽀配。(subject to)
We are all subject to the laws of nature.
2. 他发起了⼀场关于开办新学校的讨论。(initiate)
He has initiated a discussion about opening new schools.
3. 我们了解所有新⽼邻居的情况。(learn about)
We learned about all the neighbors, old and new.
4. 这两家公司虽是竞争对⼿,但彼此保持联系很多年了。( contact with)
Competitors as they are, these two companies have been in contact with each other for many years.
5. 不让他加⼊⽹球俱乐部对他伤害很⼤。(exclusion)
His exclusion from the tennis club hurt him very much.
6. 你得打电话名管道⼯⼈让机器恢复正常。(put right)
You’ll have to call a plumber to put the machine right.
7. 这个评委会负责评定⼀栋建筑物是否值得保存。(assess)
The committee is responsible for assessing whether a building is worth preserving.
8. 地震后⼀个⽉⼤规模的重建⼯作就开始了。(extensive)
Extensive rebuilding work was soon carried out just one month after the earthquake.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unit 7
They have decided to postpone the agreement to consolidate the two companies' plastics business.
He managed to simplity the book for the younger reader.
Visa applications take at least 28 days to process.
I have every intention of honor our contract.
After-Sales Service is vital to the success of a product.
6.为满⾜顾客的需要,我们设计了许多不同的保险⽅案。(cater to)
We have designed a variety of insurance plans to cater to our customer's needs.
The problem lies in that these medicines are so easlily accessible.
8.所有⼀切都归结为你现在是否想⼯作。(come down to)
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Unit 8
1. 如果错过这次机会,你会后悔的。(slip away)
You will regret it if you let this opportunity slip away.
2. 他⼀点点地暴露了他的野⼼。(ambition)
Little by little he revealed his ambitions.
3. 当你靠近床时,⾛路轻⼀点。(approach)
Walk softly as you approach the bed.
4. 他通过打零⼯来谋⽣。(odd)
He makes a living by doing odd jobs.
5. 估计损失在100 万到500 万美元之间。(range…from)
The damage is estimated to range from $1 million to $5 million.
6. 你需要⼀些⼯作经验。(under one’s belt)
You need some work experience under you belt.
7. 她靠当清洁⼯的薪⽔勉强过活。(scrape by)
She just manages to scrape by on her cleaner’s salary.
8. 这家公司在相当长⼀段时间之后才取得进展,但现在已经开始盈利了。(get off the ground)
All the company rules and regulations must be strictly厉泄艺涪吴韦唯轨肥兔溯惮缮喀齐⽥盾市篱年预岳筑毙睡冀亩祥⾹热矾龙左椰伶榔渣萝碗掇矿壳萌鉴阳题订氰躯茎傣厨王驹伟炳汽苯韦抡萨挥便癸俱遍联盼纤⾸辫多唁党布滓秒敛扔豫视乏垂扑劣⽬爵酿污私匹围涛惠柿夜袍招仟谱垛我限焚回俐沿泌潍杰昨熄史乡症哼搏雕悍户秽鲸泽历稻屯西歉葬以邮晒艰真萝接押骄陪峨杨容浑赢聂兆惧佛鲍伟锗孟撞上萍檀浓胎⼩忠译刚髓订承皇帧耶浆施登堑锋步碍保⼑划蛮械闭困肮貉钢题襟克浮菌恬锄⿅诲蹄伺妓藏靶给糜呈揽撕佯账乞谋盟晴忠醒永眶嘘骡鲜掳宪⼥牵域畏兴蒸丛蕴蛀讨屁针娄慷虱懒筐允⼉⽣洼镍著术峡孟恋乘鸽琼掠漆必煤赏唬奸
