龙河初中2009 — 2010学年度第二学期期中考试
I单项选择( 20’)
(  ) 1. -- Do you think there        many people in the theatre?
-- Yes, there will.
A. will be
B. will have
C. are
D. have
(  ) 2. -- How soon will he come?
--        .
A. Five minutes ago
B. For five minutes
C. After five minutes
D. In five minutes
(  ) 3. --        will happen to schools?
-- There will be        schools. Most students study on computers at home.
A. How; fewer
B. What; more
C. What; fewer
D. How; more
(  ) 4. -- When are you going to        a football match?
- Next week.
A. be
B. do
C. make
D. have
(  ) 5. -- You don't like your CDs anymore.
--        . I still love them.
A. I think it
B. I think so
C. I don't think so
D. I don't think it
(  ) 6. -- My friend always wears        clothes        .
-- But you should tell him to get different clothes.
A. same; as do I
B. the same; like I
C. the same; as I do
D. same; like I
(  ) 7. -- I'm sorry, but I        my homework at home, sir.
-- Don't forget it next time.
A. left
B. forgot
C. remembered
D. lost
(  ) 8. -- Don't argue      such problems        your parents again.        -- Sorry, I won't do that again.
A. about; with
B. with; about
C. to; about
D. with; to
(  ) 9. -- What were you doing        the teacher came in?
-- I was reading.
A. while
B. when
C. if
D. because
(  ) 10. When I got to the airport, the plane had        .
A. taken away
B. taken down
C. taken out
D. taken off (  ) 11. The TV set broke down while I        last night.
A. was watching a football match
B. watched a football match
C. seeing a football match
D. saw a football match
(  ) 12. I saw some children        football when I walked past the playground.
A. playing
B. played
C. to play
D. are playing
(  ) 13. --      did she say ?
-- She said she was having a party for Lana.
A. How
B. Which
C. Why
D. What
(  ) 14. Marcia told me she        Uncle Wang the next week.
A. would visit
B. will visit
C. is going to visit
D. visited (  ) 15. If it      tomorrow, we      camping.
A. won't rain; go
B. will rain; will go
C. doesn't rain; will go
D. doesn't rain; go
(  ) 16. Before the exam, the teacher said to us,“”
A. Work hard till late at night
B. Good luck to you!
C. The exam is difficult for you
D.You must do well in the exam (  ) 17. You    a new friend. If you have a friend, you’ll get more happiness.
A. should have
B. had
C. must have
D. have
(  ) 18. I saw the teacher come in      a few books under his arm.
A. to
B. for
C. behind
(  ) 19. Six o’clock is a little late. Let’s make it a little      .
A. shorter
B. longer
C. earlier
D. later
(  ) 20. He found a purse on the ground when he was walking along the road and    to pick it up.
A. liked
B. had
C. stopped
D. began
Mr White was good at cooking before he got married. But he's never done any  21  since he became the head of his office. Sometimes his wife is busy, and needs his  22  , but he always makes some  23  . On Saturdays and Sundays, he'd rather have something in restaurants with his family than  24  in the kitchen.
Mr White has been sent to many  25  all over the world to do important business. He enjoys his work because he  26  traveling. He buys some  27  for his wife and children. And when he is  28  , he tells them about places of interest in New York, London, Tokyo and other cities.
Once Mr White  29  a lot of money for his company. Mr Smith, his boss, was very  30  and let him have a two-week holiday with his family. As soon as he got home, he wanted his wife to  31  the good news. The woman was busy in the kitchen and didn't  32  him. Then he took out a map and  33  it. After a while he went into the kitchen and said to his wife he wanted to find a place to spend his holiday where he hadn't  34  before.
"The kitchen!" the woman answered  35  .
( ) 21. A. homework      B. exercise    C. housework      D. cleaning
( ) 22. A. money          B. help        C. office        D. advice
( ) 23. A. excuses        B. plans        C. noise          D. time
( ) 24. A. rest          B. work        C. eat            D. cook
( ) 25. A. schools        B. homes        C. parks          D. cities
( ) 26. A. hates          B. likes        C. knows          D. hopes
( ) 27. A. fruit          B. dresses      C. presents      D. newspapers
( ) 28. A. ill            B. alone        C. and            D. free
( ) 29. A. found          B. stole        C. made          D. lost
( ) 30. A. sad            B. afraid      C. worried        D. happy
( ) 31. A. give          B. tell        C. share          D. watch
( ) 32. A. hear          B. understand  C. stop          D. see
( ) 33. A. drew          B. studied      C. looked for    D. reached for ( ) 34. A. known          B. played      C. been          D. go
( ) 35. A. luckily        B. angrily      C. sadly          D. quietly
Someone says, "Time is money", but I think time is  36  important than money. Why? Because when money is spent, we can get it back. However, when time has  37 , it'll never  38  . That's  39  we mustn't waste(浪费) time. It's sure that the  40  is usually limited(有限的), even a second is very important. We should make full use of our time to do  41  . But someone doesn't know the importance of time. They spend their limited time smoking, drinking and  42 . They do not know that wasting time means wasting part of their own  43  .
In a word, we should save time, we shouldn't  44  today's work for tomorrow. Remember we have no time to  45  .
( ) 36. A. much        B. less        C. much less    D. even more
( ) 37. A. cost        B. nothing      C. gone          D. finished
( ) 38. A. return      B. come        C. back          D. take
( ) 39. A. what        B. that        C. because      D. why
( ) 40. A. money      B. time        C. day          D. food
( ) 41. A. useful something        B. something useful
C. useful everything
D. anything useful
( ) 42. A. reading    B. writing      C. playing      D. working
( ) 43. A. time        B. food        C. money        D. lives
( ) 44. A. stop        B. leave        C. let          D. give
( ) 45. A. lose        B. save        C. spend        D. forget
Johnny Reed was a little boy who had never seen snow till he was six years old. Before that, he had lived in a warm country, where the sun shines down on beautiful orange groves, and fields are always sweet with flowers. But now he has come to visit his grandmother, who lived where snow falls in winter. Johnny was standing at the window when the snow came down. "Oh, Mum!" he cried happily. "Do come quickly, and see these little white birds flying down from heaven."
"They are not birds, Johnny," said Mother, smiling. "Then maybe the little angels(天使) are losing their feathers(羽毛)." "Oh! Do tell me what it is. Is it sugar? Let me taste it," said Johnny. But when he tasted it, he gave a little jump — it was so cold.
"That's only snow, Johnny," said his mother.
"What is snow, Mom?"
"The snowflakes(雪花), Johnny, are little drops of water that fall from the clouds. But the air through which they pass is so cold that it freezes(结冰) them, and they come down as snow."
(  ) 46. The underlined word "groves" in the reading means        .
A. a group of kids
B. a group of trees
C. some oranges
D. some houses
(  ) 47. When Johnny said, "Oh! Do tell me what it is," it shows that      .
A. he had seen snow falling before
B. he knew the taste of snow
C. he didn't believe what Mother had said
D. he didn't like sugar at all
(  ) 48. From the reading we can know that Johnny      .
A. knew a lot about snow
B. didn't enjoy snow
C. preferred sugar to snow
D. wanted to know about snow
(  ) 49. Johnny was very      when he saw the snowflakes falling.
A. excited
B. afraid
C. sad
D. sorry
(  ) 50. When Johnny tasted the snow, he gave a little jump because      .
A. he was very happy
B. the snow was very cold
C. he was good at jumping
D. the snow was as sweet as sugar
With more and more cars on the road, the traffic jam will happen. How do we see this phenomenon(现象) and how can we solve the problem?
We know that the traffic jam happens in many places, especially in big cities. What are reasons for the problem? On the one hand, some people think that they should have a car when they have enough money, and then it's easy to go out and they can feel comfortable. On the other hand, a growing numb
er of people hope to use their cars to show off(炫耀). What's more, years of research has shown that one of other reasons for the traffic jam is the driving habit. For example, many young people enjoy driving very fast, so they can feel excited. At last, most of them hardly care about the speed rules.
At the same time, many governments are working at how to make the traffic better. In my opinion, firstly, the governments should educate those people who have cars or plan to buy cars. The governments must make them know that the traffic jam is very serious, and set up a much more perfect traffic system to solve the traffic pressures.
( ) 51. More and more cars can make      .
A. people not use other ways of transportation at all
B. the traffic jam more serious
C. young people have a bad driving habit
D. fewer speed rules
( ) 52. Which of the following is NOT the reason for the traffic jam?
A. More and more people buy cars.
B. People have too much money.
C. Some people want to show off.
D. Some people don't have good driving habits.
( ) 53. In the writer's opinion, which of the following about the governments is NOT right?
A. They should educate people who want to buy cars.
B. They should set up much more perfect traffic system.
C. They shouldn't allow people to use cars to go to work.
D. They should make people know the problem of the traffic jam.
( ) 54. The underlined word "them" in the last paragraph refers to      .
A. those people who have cars or plan to buy cars
B. the governments themselves
C. the young people who drive fast
D. those people who have no cars
( ) 55. The passage mainly talks about      .
A. different traffic problems
B. reasons why people want to buy cars
C. the traffic jam in some big cities
D. the traffic jam, reasons for it and solutions
Do you need money? Write a letter to Mr Percy Ross. Maybe he will give you some. Mr Ross is a rich man, and he likes to give people money. But he usually sends money to old people, sick people and poor children. People who are young and healthy cannot get money from him.
Sometimes Mr Ross doesn't send people money. He sends the things they need — shoes, a hearing aid(助听器), new pots and pans, or some advice. Mr Ross was very poor when he was a boy, and now he is a successful businessman, He wants to help poor people.
(  ) 56. Who can't get money from Mr Ross?
A. The old and the sick.
B. The poor and the sick.
C. The young and the healthy.
D. The old and the poor. (  ) 57. Why does Mr Ross give people money? Because    .          A. he wants to help weak people          B. he wants to get "thanks" from people
C. his parents asked him to do so
D. he worked very hard when he was young
(  ) 58. What does the mother want to give her elder daughter?
A. Milk.
B. Ice cream.
C. Shoes.
D. Enough money. (  ) 59. What is the meaning of the underlined word "gasoline" here in Chinese?          A. 汽油      B. 药              C. 一种食物      D. 营养品
(  ) 60. What do you think Mr Ross will give the 18-year-old boy and the 24-year-old
A. A car and a new pot.
B. Money and a washing machine.
C. A hearing aid and a new pan.
D. Some advice and a cooking book.
In tne morning newspaper, there is a big ad. "Special! For One Hour. Color TVs On Sale." Mr Nguyen's children asked him to buy one. But the sale was from 2 pm to 3 pm and Mr Nguyen worked at that time.
At 2 pm Mr Nguyen asked his boss if he could go home. "All right. Take the afternoon off. Take care of your family," said his boss.
Mr Nguyen ran to the street and called a taxi. He told the taxi driver."Hurry to Morgan's Department Store."
The taxi ride cost $4.50. Mr Nguyen jumped out of the taxi. He ran into the store. He looked at the store directory. TVs are on the fourth floor. He looked at his watch. It was 2:50 pm. The sale would end in ten minutes. The lift was slow. Mr Nguyen waited and waited for the lift. Finally, he decided to use the stairs.
He walked up to the fourth floor and was very tired. Finally, he saw a clerk. The clerk was close to the
TVs. There were many beautiful color TVs on the floor.    "What time is it, sir?" Mr Nguyen asked the clerk. "It's 2:55 pm, sir."    Mr Nguyen was happy. "I am on time. I want to buy a color TV before 3 pm. I want one of the TVs on sale". The clerk looked at Mr Nguyen. "We don't have any TVs on sale today, sir."
Mr Nguyen was puzzled. "But the newspaper said so. Special sales in the Morgan's from 2 pm to 3 pm."
"That's right, sir. But this is Bargain City. This is not Morgan's." (  ) 61. The best title for the reading is        .
A. How about a Color TV?
B. Is the Color TV on Sale?
C. Children and the Color TV.
D. Morgan's and Bargain City.      (  ) 62. The underlined word "directory" in the passage means      .
A. a dictionary
B. a TV model
C. somebody who gives help
D. something like a map
(  ) 63. It was difficult for Mr Nguyen to get to the store because      .
A. his boss didn't want him to leave work
B. the department store closed at 3 pm
C. there were not many taxis in the street
D. he worked during the hours of the sale
(  ) 64. What made Mr Nguyen feel tired was that        .
A. he worked too much
B. he couldn't buy the color TV
C. he didn't use the lift
D. he could find the right place
(  ) 65. From the reading we learn that      .
A. the sale at Morgan's was not true
B. the clerk at the store made a mistake
C. Mr Nguyen failed to get to Bargain City
D. Mr Nguyen went to the wrong place
A:  66  You look unhappy.
B: I want to buy a computer.  67
A: Well, you could borrow some from your brother.
B:  68  Because my brother doesn't have money, either.
A: Maybe you should ask your parents for some money.
B: No. I don't think so.
A:  69
B: Because they don't want me to spend more time playing computer games.
A: Then I think you should get a part-time job.
B:  70
D. But I don't have enough money.
E. I'm afraid I can't.
71. -- Who helped you with the housework?
- Nobody. I did it all by m      .
72. I went to Beijing last month and f        in love with the city.
73. There was something w        with my bike, so I walked to school today.
74. His f      to New York took off from Beijing International Airport. We all went
to see him off.
75. -- What's h      over there?
-- Let's go and have a look.
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2. 词数60~80。
