The world economy BBS is professor of economics at the university of Geneva, in 1971 Klau
s schwab created a unofficial initiatives, its headquarters in Geneva, but its main activities in 2002, but the except in davos, the town boasts beautiful scenery. Davos only 12,000 inhabitants, originally an unknown technocrat, now the world economic BBS convention because each year already held here demonstrates the world. In 1970, graduated from harvard business school professor of Switzerland Klaus schwab initiative, young entrepreneurs to meet European international market and competition held an informal meeting the challenges, in order to develop strategy and discussion management methods. His initiative got when European commission and European industrialist federation's support. Next January, more than 400 entrepreneurs and academics attended the first world economic BBS's annual meeting. Thirty years, the annual BBS convention scale is getting bigger and bigger, developing countries political and economic heavyweights also gradually be invited to attend. Each annual meeting have dozens of heads of state and government, hundreds of ministers and more than 2,000 students from all over the world political, economic, financial and fiscal, culture, art, education, news, etc participants. For nearly a decade, whatever happens in the world's major political, military and security, soci
al events are reflected in the BBS, discussion on the political color, also more and more strong. The world economy BBS advocated free economy and economic globalization, more and more in recent years by anti-globalization organizations and people's criticism. But in spite of this BBS convention, the world economy has become the political, economic, and policy-makers discussion world economy's most important unofficial gatherings and private contacts, business negotiation's place. The western public opinion thus called it "unofficial international economic summit".
Start from 1979, China was invited to send a delegation to attend davos meeting continuously.
2009夏季达沃斯论坛主题:重振增长BBS summer 2009 in davos Theme: revive growth  
2009910日至912 地点:大连 五大支柱内容:去杠杆化世界中的新型商业模式 绿经济中蕴藏的机遇 重新思考亚洲发展模式 以科技进步推动经济增长 以创新满足社会需求 2009夏季达沃斯论坛将重点探讨如何将挑战转化为机遇,探索并把握政府及私营部门在投资构建绿经济的过程中带来的新机遇。通过与世界各国科技领袖和青年科学家们接触,了解科技领域的创新与创造是如何助燃经济增长的。 论坛会议议程包括五项,一是去杠杆化世界中的新型商业模式;二是绿经济中蕴藏的机遇;三是重新思考亚洲发展模式;四是以科技进步推动经济增长;五是以创新满足社会需求。 论坛会议形式有全体会议、互动式会议与信息更新会、简介会、研讨会、辩论会、研讨空间、创想研究室、交际午餐会等。 年会活动内容主要包括:开幕全会、全球青年领袖论坛、战略合作伙伴欢迎招待会、交流晚宴、商务早餐会、产业游、全球青年科学家与我市科学家互动活动、大连艺术家绘画作品展、闭幕全会。
2009 September 10 September 12th place: dalian five mainstay content: "go to leveraged business model in the world" new green economy contains opportunity to reconsider and technological progress Asian development mode to boost economic growth to meet the social needs 2009 innovation BBS theme: "summer davos" global attention revive the growth of davos BBS will summer on September 10 in dalian opening, this year the theme of the inaugural annual meeting of the new champions determined as: "the summer davos" -- revive growth. Around the conference theme "summer davos" -- revive growth, BBS will focus on summer 2009 in davos discussed how to will challenge the into opportunities, explore and grasp the government and the private sector on investment in the process of building green economy brought new opportunities. With the world through technology leaders and youth scientists contact, understand the technology innovation and creation of economic growth is how to combustion. BBS agenda, including five items, one is "the world" to leveraged new commercial mode; 2 it is green economy huang-sha opportunities; Three is rethinking the Asian development mode; Four is promoting economic growth and technological progress; Five by innovative satisfy the needs of society. BBS meeting format
has plenary meeting, interactive conference and information updates, a briefing, seminars, debate and discussion space, gleam laboratory, communicative luncheon, etc. Convention activity content mainly includes: opening plenary session, global youth leader BBS, strategic partners welcome reception, networking dinner, business breakfast, industrial tourism, global youth scientists and the zhuhai scientists interactive activities, dalian artist painting exhibition, closing plenary session.
夏季达沃斯论坛是世界经济论坛于2007年首次在中国大连举办的、在规模和影响上与瑞士冬季达沃斯论坛相辅相成的大型国际会议。由于第一届年会在瑞士达沃斯召开,故世界经济论坛又称达沃斯论坛。会议代表囊括了70多个国家和地区位居全球前列的1000家大公司,还有各国政界要人、国际组织官员和颇负名望的国际问题专家等。 2007年开始,世界经济论坛组织决定,每年在中国举办一次主要由全球成长型公司参加的夏季达沃斯论坛,即新领军者年会。20079月,首届新领军者年会在大连举行。第二届新领军者年会20089月在天津滨海新区举行。根据夏季达沃斯承办城市选定办法谅解备忘录,大连和天津两市是承办夏季达沃斯年会的指定城市[2
Among them, including government officials; Media leaders, scholars, young scientists and technical pioneer, many businessmen; Global youth leader.
BBS is the world economy summer davos BBS in 2007 for the first time in China held in dalian, the scale and influence with Swiss winter davos BBS complementary large international meetings. Due to the first annual meeting held in davos, so the world economy BBS BBS also called davos. Delegates include more than 70 countries and regions in the world at the top of the 1,000 large companies and countries political figures, international officials and quite negative fame international problems experts, etc. From the year 2007, the world economy organization decided to BBS, held every year in China mainly by global growth company attend summer davos BBS, namely the new leader's annual meeting. In September 2007, the first new leader conference held in dalian. The second new leaders meeting in September 2008 tianjin binhai new area is held. According to the summer davos host city selected measures memorandum, dalian and tianjin two city is undertaking summer annual davos in designated cities [2
China has once again become the focus
January 30, 2011 the 2011 winter davos held annual meeting, the five-day conference will hold the 10th anniversary of China's "wto BBS", "the perspective China", "China enterprise future", "modern China's new reality", "Chinese world trade and growth of influence in Africa", "China" and "China's image abroad" series of problems, such as aerobics. And this also comes as China joined the world trade organization 10th anniversary, now world econ
omic pattern undergoing profound changes, including China, mainly embodies in the emerging economies in global economic output occupies an increasingly large share. Winter, a total of four annual special BBS, China has one of the largest; LiDaoKui, yan xuetong, such as the Chinese faces altogether in mirror; In every BBS, "Chinese" 2 words appear frequency is higher than any previous year. We are more and more concerned about the "China will in the world economic environment development to what position for the world and the future China will make?"
