滕王阁英文介绍 带翻译
滕王阁英文介绍 带翻译
engwang Pavilion has long been ranked first among the three famous pavilions in the south of Yangtze River. Standing by the North Fuhe Avenue in Nanchang, the magnificent pavilion is located at the convergent point of Ganjiang River and the old Fu River, taking the city as its background and the river as its mirror. Its splendor and majesty was lauded by Wang Bo, the leader of the four excellences in early Tang Dynasty, in one of his masterpieces, Preface to Tengwang Pavilion, and thus has been famous throughout the world as well as maintained th
e glory with the years going. Preface to Tengwang Pavilion is so popular among the mass that it has been passed down from generation to generation. Named after the pavilion, the masterpiece in turn brought to the architecture high reputation to enduring the historical baptism.
  Tenwang Pavilion was initially built by Li Yuanying in 653 (the fourth year of the Yonghui Reign in Tang Dynasty), when he was appointed as the commander-in-chief of Hongzhou. As one of the sons of Li Yuan, the first emperor in Tang Dynasty, Li Yuanying had grown in a monarch home and nourished by the royalty elegance.
  He “mastered in painting, calligraphy and music and was fascinated by the natural beauty,frequently indulging himself in the balmy isles and gorgeous boats, which had reached the summit of the prosperity at that time”. (Narration for the Rebuilding of Tenwang Pavilion written by Chen Wenzhu in Ming Dynasty). According to history records, as the former inspector of Suzhou, Li Yuanying had brought a group of singing and dancing artists from Suzhou to Hongzhou, when he was transferred to be a commander- in – chief there, and immerged in banquets and amusements all day long. Later, he specially built the pavilion by the river to enjoy the pleasure and merry in the music and dance, thus the pavilion taken the name of Tengwang that was a title awarded to him in Zhenguan Reign.


  滕王阁主阁根据清华大学教授、古建筑大师梁思成1942年所绘的《重建南昌滕王阁计划草图》,并参照“天籁阁”所藏宋画《滕王阁》,以及宋代《营造法式》一书,重新设计的,是一座大型的仿宋式古建筑。主体建筑共9层,重檐歇山式大屋顶,净高57.5米,底层平面为十字交叉型,南北长80米,东西宽140米,建筑面积13000平方米;其下部为象征古城墙的12米高台座,台座以上取“明三暗七”格式;其两翼为对称的一级高台,高台上部为游廊;游廊南端为“压江亭”,北端为“挹翠亭”。 从正面看,南北两亭与主阁组成一个“山”字,从飞机上

  星移物换,人世沧桑。滕王阁迭废迭兴达28次之多, 1926年终毁于兵燹。为弘扬民族文化,发展旅游事业,人民政府顺乎民意,于1983年作了关于“重建滕王阁”的决议,同年10月奠基,1985年10月正式破土动工,1989年10月8日(阴历“九.九”重阳节)主阁竣工落成。2001年被评为国家首批4A级旅游区,2004年被评为国家重点风景名胜区。
