Blue Jea ns
lue jeans are an example of an American product that is popular throughout the world.They were
牛仔服饰搭配created by a young German immigrant 1whose name was Levi Straus in the 1850s in Califor-nia.He mad
e them for the gold miners 2there.The miners often ripped 3their pants at the knees and in the back because they had to kneel and bend looking for gold.Straus creat-ed a strong pair of overalls out of canvas 4,the material used to tents.He later used a cotton from France called denim 5.The denim was brought from France by ships with many Ge-noese sailors,from Genoa,Italy,in the crew.From this city ’s name came the name jeans.
Blue jeans were popular among cowboys in the Wild West and came to the East only after the 1930s.Later,in the 1950s,movie
stars such as James Dean and Marlon Brando made jeans popular with Amer-ican teenagers.In the 1970s,designers such as Calvin Klein and Gloria Vanderbilt made blue jeans popular with peo-ple of all ages.Today people all over the world wear blue jeans,but the original 6idea came from the United States.
牛仔衣源自美国,后来风靡全球。它是一个名叫Levis Straus 的德裔美国青年于19世纪50年代在加利福尼亚首创的。当时他制作这种衣服是为了方便挖金矿的矿工,因为矿工们必须跪着和弯着腰寻金矿,所以他们衣服的膝盖和背部经常被磨破。于是
Straus 用制作帐篷的帆布设计出了一种新式
牛仔衣在美国西部的牛仔当中很快流行起来,但20世纪30年代以后才传入东部。20世纪50年代,像约翰韦恩和马龙白兰度这样的电影明星使牛仔衣在美国十几岁的年青人中风靡一时。20世纪70年代,像Calvin Klein 和Gloria Vanderbilt 这样的服装设计师又将这种衣服推广到各个年龄层次。今天,全世界的人都喜欢穿牛仔衣,但美国才是其发源地。
