1.首先,你需要到当地派出所申请迁入证明。(First of all, you need to apply for a proof of migration at the local police station.)
2.填写迁入申请表格,并提供相关证件和材料。(Fill out the migration application form and provide the required documents and materials.)
3.派出所会派人到你的原籍地进行核实。(The police station will send someone to verify your original residence.)
4.等待核实结果,一般需要一到两个月的时间。(Wait for the verification results, which usually takes one to two months.)
5.在核实通过后,到派出所领取迁移证明。(After the verification is approved, go to the police station to collect the migration certificate.)
6.拿着迁移证明到目标地的派出所办理迁入手续。(Take the migration certificate to the local police station at the new residence to complete the migration process.)
7.提供户口迁移申请表、迁移证明和其他相关证件。(Provide the application form for household registration migration, migration certificate, and other relevant documents.)
8.填写入户申请表格并进行信息登记。(Fill out the application form for household registration and register the information.)
9.等待审批结果,一般需要一周左右的时间。(Wait for the approval, which usually takes about a week.)
10.审批通过后,领取新的户口簿。(After the approval, collect the new household registration booklet.)
11.至此,你的户口迁移手续已完成。(At this point, your household registration migration process is complete.)
12. In Beijing, the first step is to apply for a proof of migration at the local police station.
13. Fill out the migration application form and provide the required documents and materials.
14. The police station will send someone to verify your original residence.
15. Wait for the verification results, which usually takes one to two months.
16. After the verification is approved, go to the police station to collect the migration certificate.
17. Take the migration certificate to the local police station at the new residence to complete the migration process.
18. Provide the application form for household registration migration, migration certificate, and other relevant documents.
19. Fill out the application form for household registration and register the information.
20. Wait for the approval, which usually takes about a week.
北京 户口21. After the approval, collect the new household registration booklet.
22. At this point, your household registration migration process is complete.