2015年12月B 级考试全真试题
Part I
Li ste nin g Co mp reh en sion
[25 minutes]
Directions: This p art 岱to test your listenin g ability . I t consist s of 4 section s .
Section A
Directions: This section is to test your ability to give p roper res ponses. There are 7 recorded questions
in it. After each : question, there is a p ause. The questions will be s p oken two times. When
you he ar a question;·you should decide on the correct answer from the 4 choices marked A ), B ), C) and 'D)·giv'en in your test paper. Then you should mark the corres p onding letter on the Answer Sheet ·ivith a single line through the center.
Exam ple: You will hear:
You will read: A. I'm not sure.
C. Yes, certa.inly.
B.You're right.
·, D
.. That's interesting. Fr om th e question .. w e
,learn that the speaker is asking the listener to leave a message. Therefore , C) Yes, certainly is the correc,t answer. You should mark C J on the Answer Sheet with a single line through 、
the .center. 1、1'.
Now the test will begin.
1.A) Wonderful.
B)Here you are.2.A) You can't m还s it.B)It takes too much 1 tjme.
D)I'll take one.
3.A) How are you?
4.A) I'd love to.B)Take it easy.
5.A) That's too late.·. 令
B)On Monda y _ mornin g.
B)Yes, I do.
C)Thank you.
C)Nice to see you.
,D) Yes. It's John Smith.C)Here it is.
D)My ple 邸ur e.
6.A) Sure.
B)Have a good time.7.A) On the third floor.B)No proble m.
C)Five more ntjnutes, please.'
D ) The departmen�managers.C)Not bad.
1D) 45 d o
llars .,C)Ertj oy your dinner.D)Two single rooms, please.
C)M ind�our steps.D )This w ay , please.Section B
Directions: This sec.t ion is to test yo�r ability to understand shor�dialog«es. 劝砑e are 7 recorded
必如gues in it. Afte r each dialogu�, . , f here is a recorded questi皿Both t如dialog�es .and
questions will be spok叩nvo .time�.. When you hear «9uestion, you should de�de on t如correct answer-介om t加1f choices marked A), BJ, C) and D) gi ver,, in your test pap 釭Then yo U: should, mark t加corresponding letter on t如Ans wer Sheet with a single line
through t加cente r.Now listen to t如dialo gues.
8.A) She move d to anoth er city.B)She was tired of the j ob.
C)The working co�dition _
w邸poor.D )The job was too challenging.B 15.12-1
9.A) A pair of shoes.
B)A pair of socks.
10.A) He's been late.
B)He's got a cold.
11.A) The flight time.
B)The new model
12.A) It is a good working habit
B)It is helpful for learning.
13.A) The job is interesting.
B)The boss is nice.
14.A) Making a work plan.
B)Working on a new project Section C C)A T-sl血
D)Blue jeans.
C)He's failed an interview.
D)He's lost llis job.
C)TI1e after-sales service.
D)Tl1e meeting schedttle.
C)It is a waste of time.
D)It is ham血to healtl1.
C)The salary is good.
D)The office is nice.
C)Having a trail由lg COl腮e.
D)压king for a pay rise.
Directions: In thi,c; section, there are 2 reco讨叫c01we1-sa,t ions.1Vler each convetsalion, there m-e smne recorded que,c;tio邸.Botli flie conve1-satio11s and qu邸tions will bo .s71oken two times. Whe儿ymt
朊ar a question, you slwuld如c讥e011 tlte conl!ct answer f1切n the 4,choices nw:rked J\),
BJ, CJ and DJ yiven in your le.st vaver. 17w11 you shmtld mark the correspo'll t l'i'l lg lette,·on
t加An.'lwe1·S加et wifli a singw Ii皿thmugh tho contur. Now listen lo the conversations.
onvcrsntlon I
15.A) One night.B)Two niJ.th屈J 6. A) Behind the building.
B)In front of u,e building. Conwrsutlon 2
J 7. A) A day off. B)A pay rise.
18.A) Two ye画B)Three years.
) Three nlght:s.
) Across tnc street.
D)Near the shopping mall.
C)A new position.
C)Five years.
D)Fout ntght:s.
D)A paid holiday.
D)Eight years.
19.A) To send ml email t,o U1e general ma n ager.C)To offer the woman a training opportunity.
B)To give the womru1 more responsibilities.D)To discuss the matter with the I iR manager. Section D
Dire(冒tlons:In this section you砑ll hear a recorded short passage. The passage is printed in t加test paper, but t成th s01ne words or phrases missing. The passage will be read three times. Dur
ing the seco双i1它ad in g,you a花花quired w put th e missing words or phrases on the An
swer Sheet i n·o讯er of the numbered blanks a c co rding to w h at you hear. The third reading
is for you to check y01汀1旷i t i ng.Now t如passage will begin.
Have you ever tl10ught what keeps people happy i n their work? We've recently 20 ___a surv ey. Of course, salary is important A p art fr om s alary, what else makes people happy with their jobs? N ow please look at the chart Y ou c an see the 21 factor is the opportunities to learn and grow. I t represents 22 percent of the peop l e we asked. And 20 percent of the people say—埜_to achie v e 小eir goal is important Our survey also shows that another t wo i m portant factors are a good working relationship with co-workers and a good _J牲_.
B 15.12-2
P a rt II Vocabula ry & Structure[10 minutes] Directions: Th仿pa饥岱to test your abi l ity t o co n st1'U c t con·ec t a n d meaningful s e ntenc es. I t c on s岱ts o f
2 secti01is.
Section A
Di rections: In tJ本section,加re a芘10i加01n plete se ntences. You are required to complete each one by deciding 01i tJ芘nwst app?·o p1·iate word or words ft·om the 4 choices marked AJ, BJ, CJ and
D). Then you slwul,d mark the con·espo双ling letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line
伽ough the center.
25.Some of the employees in the company are to work at flexible hours.
A)taken B)achieved C)allowed D)formed
26.Please call us for more血ormation as our website is currently _ construction.
A)under B)by··C)of D)with
27., the sales manager began his repo rt with the statistics of last month's sales.
A)By now·B)压usual C)So far D)At most
28.We really appreciate our working enviromnent, in_—�there was open, friendly wor即lace
A)how B)what C)whom D)which
29.A company meeting provides an opportunity to_—ideas and discuss any problems that come up
within the workplace.
A)reach B)share C)take D)lead
30.Big changes have taken place at the Marketing Department the new manager came.
A)before B)after C)since D)while
31.He said he would continue to support us ......we didn't break the rules.
A)as well as B)as soon as C)as far as·D) as long as
32.The school was in 1929 by a Chinese scholar.
A)established.B) placed -C) imagined D)made
33.We have reached�agreement_—_we should invest in the Internet-related business.
A)what B)where C)that D)as
34. —the excellent service, guests can e可oy delicious food in our restaurant.
A)In place of B)In addition to C)In charge of. D) In case of
Section B
Directions: 加e are 5 incomplete statements here. You s加uld fill in each blank w:i, 抗t如严pe r form of the word gi扼�in brackets. Writ�, t he word or wpr心切t如corre_spondi ng space on the
Answer Sheet.
35.We are looking forward to (receive)your early reply.
36.The main purpose of (educate)is to teach students to恤k for themselves.
�7. I was told that�eir project (complete) --;--last week'as schequled.
38.It is (general)�believed tha�about 14�of new cars can have electri�al p�oblems.
39.As a newcomer, almost everythin g in the c�mpany、seems to be (in t e rest)——_to me.
B 15,12-3
Pa rt III Re ad ing Co mp reh en sio n [35mi nu tes] Dire ction s: This part is to test your read ing abili ty. Ther e are 5 tasks for you t o fulji讥.Yo u sh o血read加1愚eadin g mate rials caref ully and do ti比tasks as you are instru c
Task 1
Directi ons: After 1·eadin g ti芘Jo彻w ing passag e, you will find 5 questio ns or urifini s加d statem en
比,number ed的to钤.For .each questio n or statenie nt, ti砌e are .4choices marked AJ, BJ, CJ
and D). You should加让e ti比cm,ect choice and mark tlie correspon ding l,etter on t加
Answer Sheet with a sing比lin e through the cent你
Starting a restaurant can be rewarding�ut challenging. Here,.are some, steps to help you to make your restaurant business a success.
First, take a look at the restaurants that wµl be your competitip�.. Le�what your competitors (竞争者)are serving and use the information to create a restaurant that will .�tand out among them. Speak to people to understand wha t type of restaurant they would昢e to. h�ve in the area Next, you will _need _to m ake a decision�to what kind of、od you plan to offer. Choosing your 组rget customers will help d'ttermine what type ,of food you will o订er. .-,'. .,,
Research the different types of menus and select the menu items that will b�right for your restaurant.
Deciding on the .�uil�g and its lo�ation is also impo�t for your success..M;�e sure that the building is easily found and reached. It is important to be located in an area that will attract ,c us!omers.
Finally, do plenty: of_ public relations work and advertisement of the,res t aurant opening. Consider having some special discounts and door prizes on tl1e day of the grand op�ning.
40.According to the pas s ag�, the first step in starting a res扫urant is to —·
A)find a suitable location C)le�muc h about. your competitors
B)set up your profit go�D)advertise the opening of your restaurant
41.B y choosing your target customers, you can —·
A)learn how much you can charge for. eac�dish·C) know the cost of running the re��urant
B)decide on what kind of food to offer them D)predict how many customers will arrive
42.W比ch of the following is import.ant when you choose a building for your restaurant?
A)Th e re are no other restaurants nearby.C)There is a parkin g lot availab le.
B)It 1S easy for customers to visit.D) It is popular with tourists.
43.On the day of the opening of your restaurant, you are advised to——
A)show customers around the building C)offer some special discounts
B)invi t e some important persons D)make an opening speech
44.The passage is mainly about.
A)how to choose a restaurant location
B)how to cut restaurant running cost.s Task 2 C)、how t o attr act·cus tom ers
D)how to start a rest aur a nt· � ·:、
Directions: 加Jo肋wing is a poster. Afte r r eadin g it, you will find 3 qu est ions or u1如ish ed sta�ts, n umbe red 45 to 47.For ea ch·quest ion or statem动t there are 4 c h oices mark ed
AJ, BJ, CJ a叫DJ.You should make the correct choice and mark the co rre叩ond ing letter
on the Answer Sheet'with a single line through tlie cien'ier.·
B 15.12-4
l-l@lp raise,money for灯C Underground -
the popular teen center in St. C加rles by
part/cf p atlng In this huge ga ra ge sale weekend!
Fri, April 24 & Sat, April 2
For the participation fee. you will receive ...
•Address listing in p『omo guide. distributed th『oughout
the community and online
•Yard signs. balloons & guides promoting your sale site
, Ads in local and Chicagoland newspapers
S20 Early Bird Rate (until的ril17)• Code 27602
$30 Registration fee (April 18-22)• Code 27603
Registration form and tour guides available online
at stcunderground. For more information.
call the teen center at 630-513-4380.
45.Which of the following is advert i sed in tlte poster?
A)AJ1 a邓exhibition.8) A furniture shop.C)A sport event.D)A garage sale.
46.According to the poster, the money lo be miscd will be given to _.
A)a high school B)a teen center C)a local hospital D)a local newspaper
47. lf you register before April 17, U,e registration fee is _.
Directions: Re a d the f oll01ving passage. l\fl;e r reading it, you should complete the infm叩a t i on by filling in tlie blanks nw.rk.e d 48 to 52、(in no more than 3 words) in the table below. You should
佃ite,your answe1-s on加Anstver Sheet correspondingly.
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B 15.12-5