中国花样滑冰选手申雪和赵neneneea洪波在本周一举行的2010年温哥华冬奥会上重整旗鼓,夺得中国首枚金牌。他们的胜利是一个童话般的结局,这个故事看起来更像好莱坞电影,而不是现实生活。这对经验丰富的夫妻曾在2002年和2006年冬奥会上获得铜牌,为了最后一次冲击奥运金牌,他们被迫退役。在36岁和31岁时,赵neneneea洪波和沈雪分别挑战了体育界的惯例,战胜了世界上年轻的挥鞭者。通常,在这样的年龄,这对已婚夫妇不应该参加国际赛事,更不应该把奥运金牌带回家。更引人注目的是,由于长期缺席冰上比赛,这对选手一直是参赛选手中排名最低的。尽管在周一的自由滑比赛中出现了一些小失误,但尽管如此,他们从周日开始的精彩短节目得分足以让他们赢得整个比赛。赵情绪激动地说:“这么多年了,终于拿到了这枚金牌,真是太激动人心了。这么多年来,我们一直致力于这个梦想。”中国在温哥华奥运会上获得了三枚奖牌——王北星在速度滑冰女子500米比赛中获得一金一银一铜。那么赵和沈接下来会怎样呢?他们会在接下来的比赛中卫冕奖牌吗?沈表示,这对夫妇可能还有其他计划:“很难再继续滑冰了,也许该生孩子了,”她说。Chinese figure skaters Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo rolled back the years to win China's first gold medal at the2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics on Monday.Their victory came as a fairytale ending to a story that seems more like a Hollywood movie than real life.The veteran husband and wife duo were lured out of retirement for one last crack at
中国达人秀冠军Olympic gold,having previously won bronze medals in the 2002and2006Winter Games.At the age of36and31 respectively Zhao Hongbo and Shen Xue defied sporting convention by overcoming the figur
e-skating world's young whippersnappers.Ordinarily at such an age the married couple should not be competing in international events let alone bringing home Olympic gold.To add to the drama the pair had been the lowest-ranked competitors going into the competition due to their lengthy absence from the ice.But against all odds their superb short programme score from Sunday was enough to see them win the overall competition despite some small errors in Monday's free skate event.An emotional Zhao said,"It's been so many years-to finally get this gold is so exciting.So many years have been devoted to this dream."China has now won three medals at the Vancouver Games–one gold,one silver,and one bronze for Wang Beixing in the women's500m speed skating.So what next for Zhao and Shen?Will they defend their medals in the next games?Well,Shen indicated that the couple may have other plans:"It's hard to continue skating-maybe it's time to have a baby,"she said.