1.Carry sth in one’s head/mind 能记住;能回想起
2.Be /get carried away 变得很激动;失去⾃制⼒
3.Carry all/everything before you 全胜;⼤获成功
4.Carry the ball 承担责任
5.Carry the can(for sb/sth) 承受责难;代⼈受过;背⿊锅
6.Carry a torch for sb 爱上(尤指单相思);痴恋
7.Carry sb back (to sth) 使回想起
8.Carry sth <>forward[also carry sth <>over]
9.Carry sth <>off 赢得;获得;不费⼒的处理;成功地对付
10.Carry on 继续移动;争吵
11.Carry on (with sth)/carry sth<> on 继续做
12.Carry on (with sb)
13.Carry sth <>out 履⾏;执⾏;实施;落实
14.Carry over 继续存在
15.Carry sth <>over 运⽤;延期
16.Carry sb through (sth) 帮助……渡过难关
17.Carry sth through 成功完成;
18.Carry through (on/with sth)
1.drive sth home(to sb) 把……讲透彻;阐明
2.Drive sb/sth away 驱车离开;使离去;使不愿久留
3.Drive off 驱车离去
4.Drive sb/sth<> off 击退;赶⾛
5.Drive on继续⾏驶
6.Drive sb/sth <> out (of sth) 驱散;消除;使停⽌
7.Drive sth<>up/down 使上升(下降);抬⾼(压低)
1.fall about 捧腹⼤笑
2.Fall apart 破碎;破裂;崩溃
3.Fall away 减少;减⼩;消失;消散
4.Fall back 后退;撤退
5.Fall back on sb/sth 求助于;借助于;
6.Fall behind (sb/sth) 落后;落在……后⾯
7.Fall behind with sth 拖⽋;没有及时做
8.Fall down 不实;不能令⼈满意
9.Fall for sb 爱上;倾⼼于
10.Fall for sth 信以为真
11.Fall in 集合;列队
12.Fall in with sb/sth 同意;赞成
13.Fall into sth 可以分为;能分为
14.Fall off 数量减少;质量下降
15.Fall on/upon sth/sb 袭击;向……进攻;扑向;抓住;(责任)由……负担
16.Fall out 掉落;脱落;原地解散
17.Fall out (with sb) (与某⼈)吵翻;闹翻
18.Fall over 突然故障;死机
19.Fall over sb/sth (⼏乎)被……绊倒;
20.Fall over oneself to do sth 不遗余⼒;特别卖⼒;迫不及待;煞费苦⼼
21.Fall through 落空;失败;成为泡影
22.Fall to sb (责任)落在……⾝上;应由……做
23.Fall to sth 开始做;⼲起来
1.be getting on 变⽼;上年纪;渐晚;渐迟
2.Be getting on for 接近
3.Can’t get over sth 因……感到震惊(惊讶,好笑等)
< above yourself ⾃⾼⾃⼤;⾃以为了不起
5.Get (sth)<>across (to sb) 被传达;被理解;把……讲清楚
6.Get ahead (of sb) ⾛在某⼈前边;领先;胜过某⼈
7.Get alon/on 离开;离去
8.Get around/about 传播;流传;各处⾛动
9.Get at sb ⼀再批评;⽼是数落某⼈
10.Get at sb/sth 到达某处;接近某⼈(某物);够得着某物
11.Get at sth 获悉;了解;查明;发现
12.Get away 度假;休假
13.Get away (from) (得以)离开;脱⾝;
Get away (from sb/…) 摆脱(某⼈);逃离(某地)
Get away with sth 带着某物潜逃;受到从轻发落;做了坏事未受惩罚;以(⽐预期少的事物)就能应付
< basck 发挥回家
< sth<>back 寻回重新获得(丢失东西)
16get back (in)重新上台;东⼭再起
< back at sb 向某⼈报复
< back to sb 以后再答复某⼈
19. get back to sth 回到某事上
< behind(with sth)落后拖延拖⽋
< by (on /in /with/sth)(靠……)维持⽣计设法过活勉强应付
< down 饭后离开餐桌
< sb down 使悲伤使沮丧使忧郁
< sth<>down (困难地)吞下,咽下;记录;记下;写下
< down to srh 开始做某事;开始认真注意(或对待)某事
< in|get into sth 到达;当选;被录取;被接受⼊学
< sb<>in 请某⼈来家⾥做事
< sth <>in 收集;收割;购买;买进;设法做(或说)
< in on sth参加(活动)
< in with sb (尤指为捞取好处与某⼈)成为朋友,拉关系,套近乎
31get into sth 穿上;开始从事某职业;参与,开始(某事)养成某种习惯;习惯于;对……产⽣兴趣;开始熟悉;学会
32get into sth |get yourself、sb into sth (使)陷⼊,处于,到达
33get off |get off sb(尤⽤于告诉别⼈)别碰,⾛远点
34get off |get sb off (使某⼈)离开,出发,动⾝;(使)⼊睡
35get off |get off sth 经允许离开⼯作;下班
36get off sth | get sb off sth (使)停⽌讨论;不在讨论
37get sth off 邮寄某物
38get off on sth 因……⽽兴奋;因……⽽激动
39get off (with sth)(在事故中)幸免于难,并⽆⼤恙
40get off (with sth)| get sb off (with sth )(使)免受处罚,逃脱惩罚41get off with sb(与某⼈)发⽣性关系,谈恋爱,开始性关系42get on (谈及或问及某⼈)进展,进步;获得成功;事业有成;对付;应付;活下来;过活;
43get on to sb (⽤电话、书信或电⼦邮件)与某⼈联系;觉察,察觉,识破(某⼈的不法⾏为)
44get on to sth 开始讨论,转⽽谈论(新课题)
45get on with sb | get on (together)[also get along with sb, get along(together)](与某⼈)和睦相处,
46get on with sth [also get along with sth ](谈及或问及⼯作情况)进展,进步;(尤指中断后)继续做某事
47get out 泄露;被⼈知道
48get sth <>out 产⽣;发表;出版;困难地说出;勉强地说
49get out (of sth )离开(某地);从……出来
50get out of sth 逃避,规避,摆脱(责任或义务);放弃,戒除,抛弃(习惯)51get sth out of sb (尤指强⾏)盘问出,获取52get sth out of sb/sth 从……中获得(有益的东西)
53get over sth 解决;克服;控制
54get ower sth/sb从疾病(或震惊、断绝关系等)中恢复常态
55get sth <>over (to sb )向(某⼈)讲清某事;让(某⼈)明⽩某事
56get sth over (with )完成,结束(令⼈不快但免不了的事)
57get round /around sb (⽤讨好卖乖的⼿段)说服某⼈同意,哄骗某⼈依顺,笼络某⼈
58.Get round /around sth 成功的对付;解决;克服
59.Get round /around to sth 抽出时间来做某事
60.Get through sth 消耗掉;⽤完;耗尽,(设法)处理;完成
61Get through(sth)顺利通过(考试等)
62Get sb through sth 帮助某⼈顺利通过考试
63Get through(sth)| get sth through(sth)(使)正式通过,获得采纳64Get through (to sb)到达(某⼈处);(⽤电话)接通,打通,联系上
65Get through(to sth)进⼊(下阶段⽐赛)
66Get through to sb (尤指在努⼒帮助某⼈时)使某⼈理解,使某⼈接受(所讲的话)
67Get through with sth 结束,完成
68Get to sb 使烦恼;使⽣⽓;对某⼈产⽣影响
69Get sb/sth together 召集;聚集;汇集;收集
70Get together (with sb)举⾏社交聚合;开会
71Get up 站起;起⾝;起来
72Get up/ Get sb up(使)起床
73Get yourself/sb up as sth (将某⼈)打扮成,化妆成,装扮成
74Get sth<>up 安排;组织
75Get up to sth 到达某⼀点;忙于,从事;
76Get.away 逃跑,逃⾛;短假,假⽇休闲地;适合度假的地⽅
1. leave go (of sth)松⼿;撒⼿;放开
2.Leave it at that 别再说了;到此为⽌;就这样算了恢组词语
3.Leave it out (让⼈停⽌所某事)⾏啦,就这样吧
4.Leave sth <>aside不予考虑;搁置⼀边
5.Leave leave sb/sth behind ⽐……取得好得多的进展;把……抛在后⾯;超过;仅就离开(某⼈、某地或某国)
6.Leave off 停⽌(做某事);中断
7.Leave sb/sth <>off(sth)不把……列⼊;不包括;不含
8.Leave sb /sth out (of sth)不包括;不提及
9.Be left over (from sth )剩下;残留
10.By with your Leave 如蒙您允许的话;承蒙俯允
11.take leave of your senses丧失理智;发疯
12.take (your) Leave (of sb)告辞;辞别
13.without a by your leave;without so much as a by your leave 擅⾃;未经许可;粗鲁地;⽆礼地⼋、Let
1.let fall sth (好像) ⽆意中提及,脱⼝⽽出
2.let sb go 放,释放(某⼈);解雇;开除
3. let sb/sth go|let go (of sb/sth)放开;松⼿;放弃,摒弃
4.Let sth go 不再照管,撒⼿不管(房屋、花园等)
5.Let yourself go 放松;随⼼所欲;不注重仪表,不修边幅
6.Let sb have it ⼤,揍,⽤语⾔攻击(某⼈)
7.Let it go(at that)不再多说(或多做)
8.Let me see/think 让我想⼀想;让我思考⼀下
9.Let us say (提建议或举例)譬如说,⽐⽅说,例如
10.Let sb<>down 不能帮助,不能⽀持(某⼈);使失望
11Let sb/sth<>down(使)略逊⼀筹,美中不⾜
12Let sth<>down放下;降下;降低(把⾐服,裙⼦,外套等)放长;放出(褶边);(故意地)放⽓13Let sb/ yourself in for sth 使陷⼊;使卷⼊;牵涉
14Let sb in on sth |let sb into sth 告知,透绿(秘密)
15Let sth into sth 把……置⼊,把……嵌进(某物的表层)
16Let sb off (with sth)不惩罚;放过;宽恕;从轻处罚
17Let sb off sth 允许(某⼈)不做;准许(某⼈)不去(某处)
18Let sth off 放(抢等);使爆炸
19Let on(to sb )(对某⼈)说出秘密,泄露
20Let out结束;下课;散场;散会
21Let sb out 使某⼈解脱
22Let sth out 发出(叫声等);(把衬⾐、外套等)放⼤,放长,加宽
23let up 减弱;减轻;放松(努⼒);松劲
1.be just looking(在商店中表⽰不想购买某物)只是看⼀看
2.be looking to do sth 试图到做某事的⽅法
3.look bad |not look good被视为举⽌不佳;失礼;不得体
4.look bad(for sb)显⽰不好的事可能发⽣;看来不利于
5.look good显现成功(或好事可能发⽣);看来充满希望
6.look here (表⽰抗议)喂,听着