2021年秋八年级英语上册 Unit 3综合测试卷 (新版)冀教版(1)
Unit 3综合测试卷
(测试时刻:30分钟  总分值:60分)
Ⅰ. 听力(10分)
A) 录音中有五个句子,听一遍后,选择最正确答案。
(    )1.    A. He is good at all the subjects.
B. He is weak in all his subjects.
C. He is good at all his subjects except Chinese.
(    )2.    A. I went to the party.
B. I went to the cinema instead of the party.
C. I didnt go to the cinema.
(    )3.    A. Neither of us can speak French.
B. Both of us can speak French.
C. All of us can speak French.
(    )4. A. Mr Green didnt go shopping with his wife.
B. Mr Green went shopping less than his wife.
C. Mr Green went shopping more than his wife.
(    )5.    A. Sam didnt do his homework.
B. All the students did their homework.
C. Sam did his homework.
B) 录音中有一段对话,听两遍后,完成表格,每空一词。
Age next Friday
6. ____________
7. ____________ 27th
8. ____________ and listening to popular music

Lindas best friend
9. _____________
New present
10. a _____________
Ⅱ. 单项选择(10分)
(   )1. I think I am the same age ________ my cousin.
A. to                B. as                C. of                D. from
)2. The History Museum is only ________ walk from her home.
A. ten minutes’        B. ten minutes’s        C. ten minutes        D. ten minute’s
)3. —Look! What beautiful shoes!    ________?
A. Why not try it on                        B. Why not try on it
C. Why not trying it on                    D. Why not trying on it
)4. We have ________ autumn holiday ________ Thanksgiving.
A. a; called            B. an; called            C. a; calls            D. an; calling
)5. Here are some flowers ________ you ________ our best wishes.
A. for; to            B. to; for            C. for; with            D. of, to
父亲节8字句子 )6. —I like Thanksgiving Day best.
A. So does Jenny        B. So is Jenny        C. So Jenny is        D. So Jenny does
)7. I don’t like this T-shirt. Show me ________, please.
A. other                B. others            C. another            D. the others
(    )8. There are so many kinds of computers in the shop. I really dont know _____ to choose.
A. what                B. which            C. how                D. where
(   )9. —Would you like to go out to play football with me?
—________, but I should finish my homework first.
A. Yes, I do            B. I like                C. Of course            D. I’d love to
(    )10.—Im going to Hainan with my aunt next week.
A. Have a good time                    B. Best wishes to you
C. Congratulations                        D. Please go
Ⅲ. 完形填空(10分)
It was Christmas Eve. It was very   1   . A poor girl was selling flowers in the street. Her parents were ill, so she had to get money for food. She felt cold and hungry. She stopped  
front of a beautiful house.
The girl knocked at the door and a man came out. She asked him if   3   needed some flowers. The man said he didn’t want any. She left the house and felt   4   . She sat down at the foot of a tall wall. She looked at the flowers. The flowers smelled very nice. She suddenly had a strange feeling. She felt she was becoming   5   , and slowly she began to fly to the sky. She flew higher and higher and at last she   6   herself in the clouds.
A group of people   7  to meet her. At the head of them was her grandma. Grandma welco
med her and asked her why she didn’t stay at home. The girl told her that she had to   8  flowers to get money because her parents were   9  . Grandma told her not to   10 
