1. 整套试卷材料风格平实,话题贴近日常生活。
Section A
Conversation 1: 天气酷热,安排活动消夏,商定时间;
Conversation 2: 工作间隙的下午茶时间,谈论男士的邻居,其狗狂吠干扰休息; Conversation 3: 导游安排午餐及大巴车接送时间,游客询问礼品店;
Conversation 4: 邀请朋友来参与生日聚会及其相关事宜,礼物、时间等等;
Conversation 5: 工作面试,提到工作阅历,工作地点的选择,开头时间;Conversation 6: 房客给房东打电话,要求修炉子,时间,修理人员;纵观近5年的话题材料,争论派对或假期打算、安排地点和时间以及迟到早退缘由,参与面试的着装、工作性质、工作地点、薪酬,日常饮食、运动安康、道路方位、交通方式,租房、房屋状况、邻里、租赁关系、居住修理等等是常考内容。
Section B独白突破通知、演讲、说明等体裁,以语音留言的形式安排待办事宜,与学生所熟识、众用户广的、语音留言等如出一辙,而且材料内容没有生单词和长难句,易于学生理解和答题。
总字数为802,为近5年之最。其中A局部字数为669,B局部字数为133。材料整体字数较去年总字数增加83个单词,与前年根本全都,但B局部独白字数较前两年有所削减。意外的是,conversation 6的字数接近180字。字数增加带来的大量信息,增加了捕获细节以及总体把控的难度。
2. 选择题题目敏捷性增大,难度有所上升。
A. 选项干扰性增加
干扰选项来自材料始终是湖南卷的特点,今年尤为明显。对话材料简短精炼,信息点充分,干扰选项在材料里都有消失,而且干扰信息密度高;Example 1
conversation 4
M: Hello, Brian speaking…
W: Hi, Brian. It’s Mary here. Hope I haven’t caught you at a bad time. M: No, no. I was just watching TV.
W: Oh, good. Have you had a good weekend?
M: Yeah, it’s been good. I went to the cinema with some friends yesterday. What about you? W: Not to
o bad. Hey, actually, I’m calling because it’s my birthday this Saturday. I was wondering if you would come. M: That sounds good. What time?
W: Is seven o’clock OK? David won’t finish work until 6:30. M: Oh, sorry. I’m afraid I can’t make it. Is 7:30 all right? W: Sure. 7:30, then.
M: Do you want me to bring something, like a cake or some drinks? W: Oh, no. I’ll get the food and everything. Just come and help me celebrate! M: Well, in that case, I’ll invite you to the piano
concert next Friday. W: That would be great. Thanks! M: OK. I’ll get the tickets now.
8. What time will the speakers probably meet this Saturday evening?
A. At 6:30.
B. At 7:00.
C. At 7:30. 9. Which of the following will the man buy? A. Some drinks. B. A birthday cake. C. Concert tickets. 这两道题选项的设置具有很强的干扰性,干扰项均来自于材料。
Example 1 Conversation 6
14. Who will handle the problem first tomorrow evening? A. The woman.
B. The man.
C. A worker.
较之以往,今年消失3道综合推断题。5.What is the woman?对女方的身份进展推断。
湖南高考时间2022年具体时间10.What is the woman doing now? 对整个对话场景进展推断。15. Who is the woman speaking to?则是对说话者关系的推断。
Example 1
W: Ladies and gentlemen! Right now, it’s twelve o’clock, and we’re going to stop at this restaurant for lunch. The bus driver will pick you up in an hour. M: Where will he meet us?
W: Right here, in front of the restaurant. And be sure to be on time. M: But I want to buy some gifts before we leave. Do you know any good place around here? 5. What is the woman? A. A bus driver. B.
A waitress. C. A tour guide.
Example 2
W: Do you have any job experience?
M: Only a little. I helped out at my father’s office last year, and I worked in a recording studio last month.
W: That’s good. Can you work every day?
M: Yes, I can work any day of the week. Oh, no… except Thursday.
I work at a nursing home in the neighborhood that day. W: When would you be able to start? M: Next Monday.
W: OK, that’s great. We have two stores: a very busy one downtown, and one near the airport with almost no customers, even on weekends. M: I want to work near the airport.
W: Good. Everyone else hates it. There are few customers, so you’ll most likely be doing jobs
