The most valuable China’s wisdom for the world
When mentioningit comes to China’s wisdom for the world,what would you first think about?The oldancient famous four great inventions like,paper making compass,printing or gunpower,or the new contemporary famous four great inventions:high-speed railway,shared bikes,mobile payment,online shopping中国英语怎么写
However,as far as I’m concerned,I believe the most valuable and meaningful China’s wisdom for the world is the old saying:The road doesn’t stand alone.
I would never forget those days when the novel coronavirus ravaged Wuhan,even the whole nation.People were panic,worried and aimless.Some pessimists even thought that maybe the end of the world was coming.What’s worse,there are even conspiracy theories saying that the Chinese government would abandon the affected people and affected areas.However,the Chinese government never gave up to the novel coronavirus or the people in need.As we Chi
nese believe that,when facing troubles,we must gather together to find against it instead of abandoning others for our benefit.Just as the old saying:the road doesn’t stand alone.
After the epidemic was brought under control at home,China volunteered to help other hard-hit countries and regions in the world.Why?Why would China help them as it is not our responsibility at all.For fame,money and respect.No.Actually we volunteer to help them without asking for payment because we believe that countries in the world should live in peace and help each other,especially facing troubles.China lives up to this principle and hopes to spread this idea around the world.
Nowadays,with rapid development of economy and technology,inevitably there will be more and more exchanges between different countries.People from different countries need to communicate with each other more.The closed countries with the door closed will never have a bright future.We must get together to build a better world for us,for our children,even for our grandchildren.This is exactly what Chinese government have been calling for.And Chinese Belt and Road initiative is the best example.
Although China has contributed plenty of great inventions to the world,I still state that my opinion that the most valuable China’s wisdom for the world is the old saying that the road doesn’t stand alone.
