40 岁职场人备战英语六级的备考心得( 适合时间有限基础一般不想花费太...
《40 岁职场人英语六级的备考心得》
------- 适合时间有限基础一般不想花费太多成本的人
然而随着工作的推进,我越发深刻地感受到英语的重要性。可离开大学后,我遗憾地以为与英语六级再无缘分。(英语4、6级考试仅针对在校学生)直到工作十几年后,我毅然选择攻读 MBA,也正是这个契机,让我重新获得了报考英语六级的机会。
作为一个年近 40且阔别英语很久的人来说,重新报考英语还是存在很大的难度。一方面时间不在是自己可以掌握的,除了工作外还要兼顾家庭,另外之前的工作环境也没用到英语,导致本基础一般的我备考难度更大。但是为了填补之前内心的遗憾,同时为了证明自己还有学习的能力,即便目前状态下备考英语六级困难重重,但我没有放弃。最终顺利通过了半年的备考努力,还是顺利的通过了考试(分数约500分左右)。在此,我想把整个备考过程中的时间安排和经验心得详细梳理出来,希望能给正在备考或有类似经历的朋友一些有价值的参考。
1) 六级考试时间、题型、英语六级考试时间主要在考试的题目类型有写作、钟,听力30分钟,阅读理解时20分钟(听力部分时间答钟。)
2) 分析自己的基础(如通过    该部分重点结合6级的考点,后续根据分享的经验重点
- 总体规划:确定备考总时长,划分不同阶段目标(如基础巩固、强化提升、冲刺模拟)。个人在6级的提前准备时间是在6个月左右,即确定要考试前6个月开始进行准备,毕竟语言类的考试是需要有个过程准备的,突击速成可能就是碰运气。
- 每日时间安排:如每天学习英语的小时数,分别分配给不同板块(听力、阅读、写作、翻译等)的时间。
2)听力训练:同样在考试前6个月听力推荐免费的APP是“每日英语听力”其中泛听—随身英语 or 每日英语听力都能选择,还可以选择倍数,如果听力基础差的上来可以选择0.8倍,后面再逐步恢复正常。这部分主要是锻炼听力的感觉。
3)模拟题目:模拟题目的选择上,我选择的是“星火英语”除了过往的真题外还有模拟练习题目,过程中还有相应的解释和讲解,同步还可以针对自己的完成情况进行打分,所以还是不错的选择。整个过程同学们可以作为控制好时间去答题,同步通过APP 进行模拟打分,就知道自己的客观水平了。
14:45-15:00 入场
15:00-15:10 发试卷、贴条形码、注意事项
15:10-15:40 作文(审题构思2分钟、框架打草稿、立马写作)
15:40-16:10 听力(看题先—划题目关键词—与听到核心匹配—直接涂卡) 16:10-16:15 收答题卡
16:15-17:25 剩余部分(70分钟)
16:15-16:27 第一篇阅读(12分钟)
16:27-16:39 第二篇阅读(12分钟)题目/关键词/段序号/答案/往下看
16:39-16:57 翻译(18分钟)
16:57-17:15 长篇阅读(18分钟) 10个结论先看
17:15-17:25 选择阅读(10分钟)
Nowadays a large number of young adults live off their parents and are reluctant to work. This phenomenon has become a nationwide social problem. So people come to realize that it is still of practical value to stick to the famous saying: A man's best friends are his ten fingers, which means rather than rely on others, you should believe in your personal struggle.
The saying can be illustrated through a series of examples as follows. George Washington, who was born poor, eventually became a great man by his own struggle. Although deaf in both ears, Beethoven persisted in striving for his ideal. LeBron James, after years of unremitting efforts, ultimately became the NBA’s highest scoring player, surpassing a total of 40000 points.
We need to recognize that parents and friends can help us for a while, yet they cannot help us forever. Life requires us to be self-reliant and struggle by ourselves.
Do bear in mind: A man's best friends are his ten fingers. Since we are young, we should do our utmost to acquire knowledge, skills and necessary social experience, and develop our abilities. The more aware we are of the significance of this saying, the more benefits we will reap in our daily study and work.
The importance of Taking Physical Exercise
Wealth is nothing without health, as the saying goes. In other words, health is of great significance to an individual.
The reasons are as following. For one thing, a man out of health condition is deprived of the ability to enjoy many things in life. Several years ago, an aunt of mine contracted the stomach disease, and thus she could eat nothing but fluid porridge. That was a terrible struggle for her. For another, we need to be in good conditions to work and create the life we want. It has been reported over and over again that someone's health broke down for lack of physical exercise regularly and the stress of overwork, Such news should be a warning to everyone.
As far as I am concerned, at no time should we underestimate the benefits of taking physical exercise. Even if we are not good at sports, we can give running, walking or yoga a try. And some health apps may help us track our fitness and see our growth clearly.
Environmental protection
People are paying increasing attention to environmental protection. It is not an exaggeration to say that if we allow air pollution, soon everyone will have to wear a mask on the street.
As a matter of fact, we have many methods to avoid or decrease the harm of air pollution. First of all the major source of air pollution is industrial pollution. Therefore, we should try to develop new resources to replace the traditional ones.
Secondly, automobile exhaust is the second largest source of air pollution, so we are supposed to take public transportation vehicles as frequently as possible and try to develop new
