作者:马丽君 孙根年
        关键词:空间聚集;集中度指数;均衡度指数;江苏省 2022五一高速公路免费通行时间
        中图分类号:F592列宁简介.7 文献标识码:A 为什么路由器连接不上
河南特产        The Spatial Centralization of Domestic and Inbound Tourists in Sichuan Province
        MA Li-jun, SUN Gen-nian
        (College of Tourism and Environment Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710062, China)
        Based on the data of international and domestic tourist of 13 cities in Jiangsu Province over 10 years, the tourists' geographical distribution pattern is analyzed by the way of the concentration ratio index (CRn) and the centralization index (HHI). The results are as follows: the inbound tourism's special concentration ratio is higher than the domestic tourism's; their CRn index and HHI index are very different; the inbound tourism's special concentration ratio and the special equilibrium have changed a little in the late ten years. This means that the market structure of domestic tourism goes steady. The domestic tourism's special concentration ratio keeps steady. This means that the domestic tourism market goes mature. The spatial distribution of inbound tourists is restricted with the highest level of tourist attraction and the location conditions. They main
ly concentrate on central cities and the highest levels of tourist attractions. The spatial distribution of domestic tourists is affected by the attractions abundance and the traffic condition. Its geographical distribution is more equilibrium than inbound tourists. 
