    英文回答,He is a kind and caring person. He always puts others' needs before his own and is willing to help anyone in need. He has a great sense of humor and can always make people around him laugh. He is also very hardworking and dedicated to everything he does. He is a good listener and is always there for his friends and family when they need him. Overall, he is a wonderful person with a big heart.
others是什么    中文回答,他是一个善良、关心他人的人。他总是把别人的需求放在自己之前,愿意帮助任何需要帮助的人。他有着很好的幽默感,总能让身边的人开心起来。他也非常努力工作,对自己做的每件事都很投入。他善于倾听,总是在朋友和家人需要他的时候站在他们身边。总的来说,他是一个有着宽阔心胸的美好人物。
