英语写信格式范文(English letter format)
英语写信格式范文(English letter format)
英语写信格式范文(English letter format)
English letter format
(1) the composition of an English letter consists of six parts. Namely: Heading and Address (Inside),
Call (Salutation), of (Body, Letter), Close (Complimentary), and (Signature),
Sometimes there are letters in the postscript (Postscript), accessories (Enclosure), it depends on the specific circumstances. The following will be explained separately. 1. letter heads (Heading)
The first letter refers to the address and the date, generally written in or on the first surface of the top right-hand corner of the page, write the address to write the date, address is written from small to large, first write number, numbers, write name, city name, district nam半坡起步技巧
e, and finally write the name. The writing of time is different for English and american. The British are used to the order of the day, month, year,
Americans are used to the order of the month, the day, and the year. Such as:
British: 1st, October, 1999
American style: October 11999
When using the former form, the comma between months and years is not available, but you must use commas in the latter form.
The first letter of the writing and indented block. The beginning of each line to the right indent indent type one or
two letters; block left aligned, as shown below:
indented form
Wang Ming
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Dalian University of Technology
Dalian 116023 网站设计方案
Liaoning Province
P. R. China
block format
Wang Ming
Dept. of Chemical Engineering
Dalian University of Technology
Dalian 116023
Liaoning Province
P. R. China2. address Address (Inside)
Please write the recipient's name and address in the letter address. Familiar letters and official letters should be addressed to unfamiliar friends and relatives, and familiar with friends can be omitted. The letter address is written in the upper left corner of the one or two line of the date. The first line writes the receiver's name and address, and then writes the address. Geological is indented and divided to write, block two. Such as:
indented form
The President
Oxford University
England block
Jiang Bin
64Heping Road
P.R.China3. (Salutation)
The appellation is the appellation to the addressee. Within the address of the letter, the one or two line should be written in the top case. Use commas or colons at the end.
(1) when you write to a familiar person, you can use Dear or My Dear. In the UK, My Dear is more cordial than Dear, while
in the United States, Dear is more cordial than My Dear.
(2) when writing to a married woman you don't know, you can That's what it means"...... Madam".
(3) when writing letters to an unfamiliar person, you can use Dear, sir, Dear, Madam, Dear, Sirs, Gentleman and so on. 4 text (Body, of, Letter)
The text is the main part of a letter. Usually write on the next line of the salutation. Also the method can be used to block or indented style. Each is reflected at the beginning of e
ach paragraph of a row and the back row and qi. Indent refers to the first line of each paragraph to indent several letters to the right. Stationery is concise and efficient. At the beginning of a few simple greeting as the subject, in the end to have wishes and honorific.
