快速止牙痛的6个简单方法自我鉴定范文 毕业生从鬼节看中西方文化的差异电脑主板跳线
美术类艺考生可以报哪些专业        【摘要】世界各国都有自己独特的节日,节日的起源、习俗、庆祝方式等体现了不同国家人们之间文化的差异性。鬼节,顾名思义,即鬼过的节日,民俗演化为常人祭拜鬼神之俗。鬼节是世界重要的传统节日文化之一。从中西方人们对待鬼节的不同态度、方式,可以探究中西方文化背景、思想观念、教育理念等方面的不同。
如何查看隐藏文件夹        【关键词】鬼节 思想理念 中西文化差异
        【Abstract】Every country have their own special festivals. The origin, custom and ways of celebrities embody the cultural differences between different countries. The Ghost Festival, just as its name implies, is the festival for ghosts, the folk-custom is usually worshipping the ghosts and spirits. Ghost Festival is one of the important traditional festivals in the world. From the perspective of different attitudes and ways that Chinese and
碱性的蔬菜western people towards Ghost Festival, the differences of cultural background, ideas and education between Chinese and western people can be explored.
