计算机等级考试试卷(二级Visual Basic)
Dim n As Integer
Private Sub Form_Load()
Command1.Enabled = False
End Sub
Private Sub Text1_KeyPress(k As Integer)
If (1) 明天会更好的原唱 Then Exit Sub
n = Text1.Text
If n < 1 Then MsgBox ("n应大于零!"): Exit Sub
Command1.Enabled = True
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer
f(1) = 1: f(2) = 1
For i = (3)
f(i) = f(i-1) + f(i-2)
Next i
k = MsgBox("第" & n & "项为" & f(n) & ",是否继续?", (4) )
If k = vbYes Then
Text1.Text = "" : Command1.Enabled = False
End If
End Sub
(1) A、k = 13 B、k <> 13 C、KeyAscii<>13 D、KeyAscii=13
(2) A、Redim f(8) As Long B、Redim f(n) As Long
C、Dim f(n) As Long D、Dim f(8) As Long
(3) A、1 To n B、1 To n Step 1 C、2 To n D、3 To n
感恩节暖心简短文案(4) A、vbNo B、vbYes C、vbYesNo D、vbQuestion
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim i As Integer, j As Integer
For i = 0 To (6)
For j = 0 To (7)
If List1.List(i) = List2.List(j) Then (8)
Next j
If (9) Then List3.AddItem List1.List(i)
Next i
End Sub
(5) A、List3.Clear B、List3.List="" C、List3.delete D、List3.Cls
(6) A、List1.ListCount B、List1.ListCount - 1
C、List2.ListCount D、List2.ListCount - 1
(7) A、List2.ListCount - 1 B、List2.ListCount
C、List1.ListCount – 1 D、List1.ListCount
(8) A、Exit For B、Exit C、Exit Do D、Break
(9) A、j< List2.ListCount B、j<= List2.ListCount
C、j> List2.ListCount D、j>= List2.ListCount
Private Sub Form_Load()
File1. (10) = "*.bmp;*.jpg"
P2.Width = P1.Width: P2.Height = P1.Height
P1.ScaleMode = 3: P2.ScaleMode = 3
End Sub
Private Sub Dir1_Change()
File1.Path = Dir1.Path
End Sub
Private Sub Drive1_Change()
Dir1.Path = (11)
End Sub
Private Sub File1_Click()
(12) GoTo kk
P1.Picture = LoadPicture(File1.Path + File1.FileName)
Exit Sub
P1.Picture = LoadPicture(File1.Path + "\" + File1.FileName)
End Sub
Private Sub Command1_Click()
Dim x As Integer, y As Integer, (13)
Dim r As Byte, g As Byte, b As Byte
For x = P1.ScaleLeft To P1.ScaleLeft + P1.ScaleWidth
For y = P1.ScaleTop To P1.ScaleTop + P1.ScaleHeight
c = P1.Point(x, y)
If c >= 0 Then
r = c Mod 256: c = c \ 256
g = c Mod 256: c = c \ 256
P2.PSet (x, y), RGB(255 - r, 255 - g, 255 - b)
End If
Next y, x
End Sub
(10) A、Filter B、Pattern C、FileName D、Path
(11) A、Dir1.Path B、File1.Path C、Drive1.Path D、Drive1.Drive
(12) A、On Error B、In Error C、If Error D、If Error Then
(13) A、c As Byte B、c As Long C、c As Single D、c As Integer
(14) A、b = c Mod 255 B、b = c \ 256 C、b = c D、b = c \ 256
Private Sub Form_click()
Dim n As Integer, i As Integer, k As Integer, j As Integer
n = InputBox("请输入1个1至9之间的整数")
中国四大绿茶品种 Loop Until 0 < n And n < 10
k = 10: j = 1
For i = 1 To n
Print Space(k); String(j, Trim(Str(i)))
新版天龙八部2021演员表 If i <= n / 2 Then
k = k - 1: j = j + 2
k = k + 1: j = j - 2
End If
Next i
End Sub
(15) 若运行时输入n值为2,窗体上的显示结果为:
A、 1 B、 1 C、 1 D、 2
121 222 123 121
(16) 若运行时输入n值为3,窗体上的显示结果为:
A、 1 B、 1 C、 1 D、 1
222 123 12 222
33333 12321 123 3
(17) 若运行时输入n值为4,窗体上的显示结果为:
A、 1 B、 1 C、 1 D、 1
222 222 123 222