        软件开发三国英传3怎么玩          小学生教师节贺卡
计算机科学与技术学院2010届毕业生 孙鹏
指导教师:于雷 讲师
系统应用软件工程的方法,以Java为技术架构,使用J2EE的多种技术,如JSPServletJDBC等,采用MVCModel View Controller520发朋友圈的句子和图片)开发模式,以SQLServer 2000作为数据库进行开发。同时充分依托校园网和Internet,实现了毕业生就业信息的集中管理、分散操作和信息共享。
天龙八部什么职业好 Design and Implementation of the College Graduates Employment Information
Management System
—— Design and Implementation of Background
SUN Peng
School of Computer Science & Technology 2010 Graduates
of Huaibei Normal University
Supervised by YU Lei, Instructor
AbstractAs dramatic increase in the number of college graduates, the workload and difficulty of the college graduates employment information management has doubled and redoubled. Aiming at the shortcomings of the "National Information Management System for Employment of College Graduates version 1.1", which is used by some colleges and universities at present. So it is very urgent and necessary to build a college graduates employment information management system to improve the efficiency and quality of the management of graduates employment.
蒹葭原文及翻译This paper combined the specific requirements of college graduates employment information management of our university, analysised the business process of that work indicated above, collected the first—hand data related to employment information manag
ement system, reconstructed the main target and functional requirements of this system, adopted an analytical method based on modern software engineering and the Agile Methodology, designed and developed the Graduates Employment Information Management System of Huaibei Normal University.
This system applied with software engineering methods, used Java for the technical architecture, adopted a variety of J2EE technologies such as JSP, Servlet, JDBC, etc, used MVC (Model View Controller) development model to operate SQLServer 2000 as the database. At the same time, this system fully relyed on the campus network and the Internet, to achieve the graduate employment information centralized management, decentralized operations and information sharing.
Currently the system has been operated in Huaibei Normal University, and has been praised. With integrating the college graduate employment information, this system has improved the level of management of college graduates employment information, has enhanced the work efficiency, and has made due contributions for being a digital campus.
KeywordsGraduates; Information Management System; JSP; MVC; J2EE
