专    业:软件工程                                                    学    号:2011*****325
学    生:朱林                                指导教师:聂莉莎
摘要当今社会IT技术发展越来越快。随着3G 时代到来,通过移动终端与网络互联来获取网络资源越来越受到人们欢迎,并且Android播放器是近年来Android平台上非常流行的音乐播放软件,本文目的就是提供一款Android系统上的能满足用户在线收听和下载音乐需求的音乐播放器应用程序。
介绍一种事物作文400Design and Implementation of Music Player
Based on Android
Specialty:Software Engineering                  Student Number:200810414412
Student:Yang ChengLiang                          大江大河 演员表Supervisor:Nie LiSha送给妈妈最简单的礼物
Abstract: In nowadays society, IT technology develops more and more fast. With the coming of the 3G era, the way to access to network resources through mobile terminals and internet becomes increasingly welcomed by the people and Android player is the popular music player software on Android platform in recent years. This thesis aims to provide a music player application, which meets the demand of users to listen to and download music on Android system.
To meet the demand of users, Android application technology of open source multimedia
and SQLite database that supports storage of music list and comes with Android, Java, SDK and Eclipse will be utilized in the implementation of music player. Finally, the music player can meet the demand of users to listen to the music and has the following functions: play, pause, last music, next music, music list and favorite music list, search music online and online listen to and download music, etc.
Key words: music player; Android; Java; 2020鼠年福字图片简单大气的新婚祝贺词SQLite
