高考高分作文Another buzzword, tang ping, or “lie flat”, describes Chinese youngsters who have little ambition and do the bare minimum to get by. It turns out that the “lie-flatters” are from well-off families, born with a silver spoon in their mouths, or believe that whatever happens to them, they have basic medical insurance, pension and unemployment subsidies to fall back on, Qin said.
“This is totally different from previous generations, who didn't have the luxury to 'lie flat', because they had to tighten their belts and work hard to earn a living,” he said, adding that younger people are facing greater pressure than older generations when it comes to employment.
大学生贫困证明范文2012年瓷砖十大品牌Qin said more people don't approve of the “lie-flatters”, who they believe are self-centered, and have greater respect for the “heroes in harm's way”.穿越之我是太皇太后>车险都买哪几种