        摘要: 通过对国内外调酒师人才培养文献资料的梳理,发现目前国外并无对高级调酒师人才培养的相关研究,国内的研究也主要集中在调酒课程革新、调酒技术运用、调酒培训行业规范几个方面,本文针对目前高级调酒人才培养存在问题:企业参与积极性不高、培养成本较高、师资力量薄弱等,提出政府政策支持、学校加强实训室建设、加强师资培训、提高学生综合素质、强化技术实际运用等解决办法,以期能为后续高级调酒师培训提供指导,推动行业发展。
        Abstract Through combing the literature of bartender training at home and abroad哪里有化妆学校 it finds that there is no studies on senior bartender training in foreign countries and the domestic research also is focused on bartender curriculum innovation bartender technology utilization and bartender training standards. According to the problems in senior bartender training at present including enterprises' participating enthusiasm not high
the high cost of training weak teachers毛巾 变硬 this paper proposes the solutions such as government policy support strengthening the training room building快速拿驾照, strengthening teacher training improve the overall quality of students strengthening the practical application of technology in order to provide guidance for subsequent senior bartender training and promote the development of the industry.获得诺贝尔奖的华人
