1.  In the absence of my commanding officer, I acted on my own______.()
A  initiative
B  princlple
C  criterion
D  perspective
2.  The specialist walked onto the platform and seated himself in a chair, ____ for answering questions.()
A  prepared
B  being prepared
C  preparing
D  to prepare
3.  In June 2014, Hanks was offered a scholarship to study in New York City__________ he could have supported his family, but he refused it.()
A  by which
B  through which
C  with which
D  in which
4.  Dear me! Just _____ at the time! I _____ no idea it was so late.()
黑雾A  look, have
B  looking, had
C  look, had
D  looking, have
5.  The sorry﹣looking, blackened figure that _______, at once admitted that he had tried to break into the shop during the night but had got stuck in the chimney.()
A  ceased
B  absorbed
C  revealed
D  emerged
6.  ﹣﹣I'd like to go camping with you this weekend, but I don't have a sleeping bag.
﹣﹣No problem. You can count on me to get ________ for you.()
A  those
B  ones
C  that
D  one
7.  ﹣﹣ Did you hear about Zhang Lili who saved the kids from being run over by a school bus?
﹣﹣ Yes. What do you think most people _____ if they were in a similar situation?()
A  will do
B  will have done
C  would do
D  would have done
8.  ﹣Why was the suspect set free?
﹣For lack of ________ evidence.()
A  solid
B  apparent
C  ambiguous
D  concrete
9.  _________ we know that diligent ants live in a highly organized society, it does nothing to prevent us from being filled with disgust when we find they are crawling over a carefully prepared picnic lunch.()
A  Unless
B  While百度网盘 搜索
C  provided that
D  Where
10.  ﹣﹣Were you busy last weekend?
﹣﹣Very. Rather than ____ time playing basketball as usual, I devoted every effort to ____ an article.()
A  wasting; making
B  waste; making
C  waste; make
D  a waste of; making
11.  For a long time, he hesitated whether he should tell us ________ what had happened.()
A  at dusk
B  at length
C  at present
D  at stake
12.  ﹣﹣I'm sorry, but the boss isn't here yet. Shall I have her call you when she comes back?
﹣﹣No, I'll call her back. If I call again in half an hour, do you think she________?()
A  arrives
B  has arrived
C  will arrive
D  will have arrived
13.  _______you feel the urge to pack your bags and explore what the world has to offer,
you might want to consider one of the destinations below.()
教师节的话简短精辟A  Unless
B  Could
C  While
D  Should
14.  I don't ______ rock'n'roll. It's much too noisy for my taste.()
A  go after
B  go away with
C  go into
D  go in for
15.  ﹣﹣I'm sure I'll have his back up. I really don't know how I can escape the punishment.﹣﹣You'd better tell your father what happened and_________.()
A  fill the bill
B  face the music
C  just to name it
D  strike it lucky
第二节:完形填空(满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑.
16.    One day the young American composer Daniel Mason came to Boston to visit the great pianist Ignacy Jan Paderewski. However,  there was (1)_______ from the start.
Because of a misunderstanding Mason was two﹣and﹣a﹣half hours late for his (2)
_______ with the great pianist. Mason was waiting in the hotel while Paderewski was upstairs, getting angrier and angrier by Mason's (3)_______. When at last Mason went up
to see Paderewski,  he found Paderewski and his wife were (4)_______. Mason felt ashamed and (5)_______.He tried his best to (6)_______ conversations. But every time he felt he made a (7)_______.
First he sang highly on a piece of works of Paderewski's. The (8)_______ on Paderewski's face remained as cold as before. Then Mason added: "Just don't make you (9)_______ that's empty flattery;  I'll tell you honestly that I do not think so (10)_______ of some
of your early pieces."
Paderewski's wife gave mason a (11)_______look. "what do you not (12)
_______?  What pieces? " How Mason regretted saying such words! He spoke out a name of a piece in panic. She said it was one of her (13)_______ among her husband's works.
Mason tried again and (14)_______ to say only good words of Paderewski. He said how he admired Paderewski on his use of French impressionism. But Paderewski said,  "I have nothing to do with French impressionism. I do not believe the modern French skill,  (15)_______ it is strange,  funny and terrible."
By then Mason was (16)_______ to run away. But he felt it would be a pity (17)_______ not showing the musician his works. He (18)_______ himself to show Paderewski one of his pieces. What happened next (19)_______ Mason. Paderewski shook hands with him about eight times as he read it through,  shouting "beautiful!" Finally,  with his (20)
_______,  Daniel Gregory Mason had won over the musician.
A  harvest
B  trouble
C  hope
D  luck
A  match
B  interview
C  beginning
D  meeting
A  lateness
B  rudeness
C  sadness
D  happiness
A  kind
B  cold
C  warm
D  friendly
A  uneasy
B  unfair
C  imperfect
D  incorrect
A  keep
B  continue
C  start
D  prepare
A  difference
B  change
C  wish
D  mistake
A  expression
B  smile
C  muscle
D  skin
A  expect
B  doubt
C  believe
D  wonder
A  properly
B  highly
C  bravely
D  directly
A  hard
B  funny
C  calm
D  curious
A  find out
B  learn from
C  look at
D  care for
A  difficulties
B  favorites
C  choices
D  achievements
A  promised
B  failed
C  agreed
D  decided
A  but
B  and
C  because
D  so
A  ready
B  willing
C  glad
D  sorry
A  unless
B  though
C  if
D  until
A  taught
B  encouraged
C  helped
D  trained
A  puzzled
B  disappointed我会发着呆然后忘记你接着紧紧闭上眼
C  moved
D  surprised
A  words
B  story
C  music
D  writing
17.    The world is getting smaller,  but the chances of having an extraordinary new experience are only increasing. We've identified 50 standout destinations,  based on industry news and trends,  with input from contributing writers,  A﹣List travel agents,  and our new local experts. These are the places changing the travel map,  whether it's an emerging arts hub in Germany or a quiet stretch of sand in the Caribbean. Here are three of them. Read on for our picks,  and join the conversation with best places 2015.
Fez,  Morocco
Fez,  about 240 miles northeast from Marrakesh,  a sophisticated scene is taking root slowly,  quietly. It started with immigrants and locals restoring riads(阁楼),  and continues as hotels,  restaurants,  and galleries pop up. The biggest news is the Hotel Sahrai,  with a hip rooftop bar and 50rooms,  many overlooking an infinity pool. Don't wait to find out. This is the moment to see Fez.
Rotterdam,  Netherlands
If Amsterdam is a study in old﹣world elegance,  then the port city of Rotterdam is all
big,  futuristic ambition﹣and its constantly unfolding city center has become one eye﹣popping explosion of style. The latest attraction,  and reason enough to visit,  is the MVRDV
﹣designed Markthal,  an igloo﹣like horseshoe that houses 96 stalls, 20 shops,  nine restaurants,  and 228 apartments. It also happens to feature Holland's largest artwork.
Chengdu,  China
Famous for its 1, 600 pandas,  most of which still live in the wild,  Chengdu has introduced
a 72﹣hour no﹣visa policy that makes it easier for Americans to drop in on one of the city's three major panda research facilities. But it's worth sticking around longer to experience what's doing in Chengdu,  a city on the rise. One of the shiniest attractions is New Century Global Centre,  the world's largest building,  complete with an artificial beach.
(1) What is the above passage mainly about?________
A  Argue readers to pay a visit to the three tourist attractions.
B  Introduce some standout destinations.
C  Advertise the three destinations.
D  Want to get more feedback on the above destinations.冬季取暖补贴
(2) Which of the following is NOT right?________
A  In Fez, you can be exposed to some galleries.
B  Markthal features Netherlands's largest artwork.
C  Netherlands and Holland refer to different
countries.        D  Americans can drop in on Chengdu's three major panda research facilities without a visa for 72hours.
18.    Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg recently surprised Chinese students when he spoke to them in Chinese. In a talk at Tsinghua University in Beijing,  Zuckerberg spoke Chinese for about 30 minutes. Although his Mandarin was far from perfect,  students and faculty cheered his effort.
Zuckerberg's talk raises a question:  is Chinese the language of the future?  Could it replace English
as the world's international language?  Mandarin Chinese already has the most native speakers of any language. And,  China may soon pass the United States as the
world's largest economy.
The study of the Chinese language is increasing in the United States and around the world. In 2009,  about 60, 000 American college students were studying Chinese. That is three times as many as in 1990.
A small but growing number of American parents are even sending their children to bilingual Chinese immersion schools. Leianne Clements has no cultural connection to China,  but her children are learning Chinese at the Yu Ying Public Charter School in Washington D.C. Every other day,  classes at this school are 100 percent in Chinese. Ms. Clements thinks knowing Chinese could give her children a competitive advantage.
"So far,  English has kind of been the universal language,  but more and more,  with Chinese businesses and just the amount of industry that they have there it seems that that would be,  you know,  logical thing that could be happening or it seems like it would make you a valuable employee if you also spoke Chinese."
Clayton Dube,  head of the U.S.﹣China Institute at the University of Southern California,  thinks Chinese will grow in importance,  especially for people who want to work and do business in China. But he does not think Chinese will overtake English any time soon.
"American movies,  music,  television,  video games have wide audiences…So far China's success in this ________ has been very limited. Chinese films,  Chinese television
shows,  Chinese music doesn't have a huge following outside of China."
Andres Martinez,  editorial director at Zocalo Public Square and a professor of journalism at Arizona State University,  says that he respects Chinese culture and expects the language to grow. But he says English,  with its association with freedom,  will remain the global language.
Martinez says that English is seen as a more neutral language than Chinese. Unlike Chinese,  it is not associated with one country. He says even the ideas of equality are built into English grammar.
Chinese is also a more difficult language to learn. The U.S. Foreign Service Institute estimates it would take a native English speaker 2, 200hours to reach professional fluency in Chinese. That is four times longer than it would take to reach the same level in
Dutch,  French,  or Spanish. While Chinese grammar is much simpler,  Chinese has a tone and writing system that is more difficult for adult learners to master.
(1)Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?________
