四大名绣Today's increasingly fast pace of life in society, with the hardware of mobile devices become increasingly sophisticated, people demand more and more mobile devices, high technology from the past to the present pursuit of the pursuit of visual and user experience, therefore, also gradually increased the system requirements. This article is in the Android system, music player application on the design and implementation to discuss the process through which to further study and application of Android, so the future development of personal sense.
大清朝皇帝列表Music player of this paper uses Android open-source system technology, the use of Java language and Eclipse development tools for the preparation of the player code. At the sa
me time gives a detailed system design process, some interface screenshots and the major function of flow, the paper also encountered in the process of development problems and solutions were discussed in detail, the music player, set download,play, pause, stop and other functions, good performance, in the Android system can run independently. MP3 is a compressed audio file format, as the player is limited to the application layer of the program, so not to go into the specific compression algorithm.
Experiments show that, based on the Android platform, software development is simple, concise and easy to use, will become the development direction of the next few years, have universal significance.