//MessageBox "正在初始话请稍等"
Call Plugin.Msg.Tips("正在加载方案…")
DqTime = lib.网络.获取网络时间()
//获取网络时间,得到的时间格式为:2000-1-1 12:00:00
zzsj="2011-11-1 23:59:59"
//zzsj=终止时间 终止时间为脚本使用限定的最后时间!
If CDate(DqTime)<CDATE(ZZSJ)
Call Plugin.Msg.Tips("加载成功!(*^__^*)")
//MessageBox "加载成功!(*^__^*)"
嗜好的近义词//Msgbox "验证成功!继续使用!"
Call Plugin.Msg.Tips("加载失败,可能是没有权限!⊙﹏⊙‖∣")
End If
'Delay 2000
'If wlsj>cdate("2012-10-24")
' Delay 100
'MsgBox "使用期限已到,请从任务管理器关闭程序"
'end if
DimEnv shuliang,time1,time2,time3,time4,ktjc,feyjy
Dim hwnd,hwnd1,hwnd2仙剑3紫萱
DimEnv kaiguan
'Delay 1000
time1=plugin.sys.GetTime //获取脚本运行时系统初始时间
'set ws=createobject("wscript.shell")
'ws.run "c:\",5,ture
'Delay 500
gosub 站街自动喊话
Rem kaitou
Sub 站街自动喊话 //站街喊话脚本
UserVar fdys=15 "防掉线设置"
MoveTo 603,439
gosub 检查是否有交易
If int(time3-time1)>fdys*60*1000 then //15分钟后开启防掉线,只支持站街的时候
gosub 防掉线
End If
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 200
NUM =plugin.Color.CountColor(60, 398,92, 407, "AADDEE",1) //查喊话窗口是否存在
If NUM > 0 Then
Goto 喊话
Rem 喊话
End If
UserVar szhhjs=5 "设置喊话句数(最多五句)"
wifi密码怎么破解呢If  szhhjs= 1 Then
KeyPressS "B", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "A", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "1", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 1200
        ElseIf szhhjs= 2 Then
KeyPressS "B", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "A", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "1", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 3200
KeyPressS "B", 2
Delay 20
KeyPressS "1", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 1200
        ElseIf szhhjs= 3 Then
KeyPressS "B", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "A", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "1", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 3200
KeyPressS "B", 2
Delay 20
KeyPressS "1", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 3200
KeyPressS "B", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "C", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 1200
        ElseIf szhhjs= 4 Then
KeyPressS "B", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "A", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "1", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 3200
KeyPressS "B", 2
Delay 20
KeyPressS "1", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 3200
KeyPressS "B", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "C", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 3200
KeyPressS "B", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "D", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 1200
        ElseIf szhhjs= 5 Then
KeyPressS "B", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "A", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "1", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 3200
KeyPressS "B", 2
Delay 20
KeyPressS "1", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 3200
KeyPressS "B", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "C", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 3200
KeyPressS "B", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "D", 1
Delay 20
放线KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 3200
KeyPressS "B", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "E", 1
Delay 20
KeyPressS "Enter", 1
Delay 1200
End if
gosub 等待交易 //跳到等待交易
End Sub
Sub 等待交易
FindPic 455,305,636,419,"Attachment:\公告按钮.bmp",0.9,intX,intY //扫描交易框
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
MoveTo 523,403
LeftClick 2
Delay 300
助理医师技能操作FindPic 0,0,1024,768,"Attachment:\11.bmp",0.9,intX,intY
If intX > 0 And intY > 0 Then
gosub 等待放入物品
gosub 站街自动喊话
End If
gosub 站街自动喊话
End If
End Sub
