精华素贺州特产    Distraction:
Distraction is an action or thing that takes one's attention away from something else. It can refer to anything that causes someone to become sidetracked, such as an object, sound, or game. It can also be used to describe emotions such as fear, anger, or frustration that take a person's attention away from the task at hand.
A person who is easily distracted is said to be distractible. This type of person may have difficulty focusing on a specific task for extended periods of time and may often become sidetracked by other activities. Distractible people are easily swayed by external influences, changes in routine, or sudden noises.
Describing something as distracting means it has the capacity to take one's attention away from a present activity or task. For example, a bright light or loud noise can be considered distracting, as they draw a person's attention away from their current goal.
If something is referred to as distractionary, it means it is used to take attention away from something else. It may be something said intentionally to change the focus of discussion, or could be something done with the intention of drawing attention away from the real issue at hand.
