2017-2019 年上海高考真题优秀作文汇总(包含春考和秋考)
2019 年秋考英语真题作文李敏是启明中学高三学生,在杂志上看到关于古城的介绍,门票本国游客  5 美元,外国游客15 美元,他对此感悟很深,请以李敏的口吻给编辑写一封信,要求:
1. 介绍下杂志上看到的内容
2. 给出自己的看法和原因
Dear Editor,
Read from a travel magazine, an ancient city charged differently between tourists from home and abroad, $5 and $15 respectively. So thought - provoking is the introduction that I, Li Min, a senior three student from Qiming Middle School, can ' t resist voicing my opinions here -- discriminative charge not only cools overseas tourists ' passion but also impacts the country 's overall income from the tourism industry.
Undoubtedly, charging discriminatively will greatly discourage those fond of travelling abroad. Finding t
hemselves charged higher than the local ones, tourists from abroad will look carefully before they leap next time, however appealing the scenery seems to them, which will do more harm than good to the country ' s tourism industry. Worse still, to those countries, dependent too much on tourism, their income will greatly be impacted. Due to its
discriminative charge, chances are that fewer foreign tourists show interest in it, which will inevitably lead to the income drop of the industry, impacting the domestic economy a lot.
To put it simply, such a measure is far from fair. It doesn 't protect the natives ' benefits any better; nor does it bring any profit to the country itself. Now that the earth is becoming a global village, how come its villagers are charged differently? Sincerely hope my voice will be taken seriously.
Sincerely yours,
Li Min
2019 年春考真题作文
I. Writing
Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
假如你是明启中学的李华,你的朋友李楠给你写了一封信,告诉你他要开发一个新的 APP ,
W 这riting D 个ear Li Nan, 软
Hearing that you have developed a new app of students sharing clothes, I feel truly proud of 件
your novel idea. Personally speaking, I am willing to share my clothes on your app. The reasons 共 are as follows.
To begin with, it will be wonderful for me if I learn that someone that I barely know of can share 衣
my happiness of wearing my clothes. It feels like you are emotionally connecting someone in your c 服loth es. Then I may naturally wish to k now more about that particular “ someone ” and probably further deepen our relationship. In the end, a good friendship between me and my clothes mate 想 might be built based on our common clothes. What ' s more, if other s tmudye
nts can try c 要lothes through the app. In turn, I also can try their new clothes. Therefore, students can wear d 征ifferent types of clothes without actually spending any money.
What ' s more important is that sharing my clothes will take full use of them. In什么东西最养胃
today 大威尼斯商人英文剧本
society, there are so many parents who prepare lots of clothes for their beloved children for d 家ifferent occasions, such as a dress for the party, gym suit for
indoor sports. Moreover, the clothes 's body. can only realize their true value after they are put on a person T 看o 法 summarize, sharing my clothes on your app benefits others and me. 你 是 否
愿 意 共 享
你 的
衣 服 Yours, Li Hu 给 出 理 由
( 信
Dear Linan:
In response to your original/ novel/ pioneering/ innovative/ transformative/ revolutionary /groundbreaking(paraphrase) idea that a new application harnessed by people to share clothes is to be exploited, I ' d like to air my thought that your view earns my favor. Three factors can account珍惜时间的古诗
for my preference.
First and foremost, the value of sharing deserves to be highlighted. With the emergence of
the novel paraphrased app, taking full advantage of the resources wisely never fails to lead human life to break new grounds. It can permit us students to wear various clothes without any spendings, through which those clothes can be reserved for the art festival performance, adding brilliant touch to the celebration ceremony. Consequently, the resources can be utilized fully , avoiding the waste resources. Plus, small bits can result in a huge change. As we all know, there is a woeful shortage of clothes all over China, especially in the poverty -striken areas. Your advance in developing this app can allow us to provide our small assistance for them easily,
which , to some extent, can iron out the local well -being problem. Last but not least, as the device rounds up the clothes, identical outlooks on fashion enable us to interact with each other closely, giving rise to boosting interpersonal relastionship. Gossip of clothing style can make girls become kindred souls immediately.
Longing for the gear bringing us more benefits, I truly hope you can do utmost to make it.
2018 年春考真题
II. Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120 -150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
假设你是明启中学的学生王磊,你校计划引进一个机器人担任餐厅服务员或者图书馆管理员,并在英语贴吧征求学生意见,你很感兴趣,决定回帖响应,你所写的内容应包括: 1 你认为机器人适合担任的一个岗位,二选一;
2 通过比较,阐述你选择的理由,可以从工作效率,服务范围等方面进行表述。
Word came that a brand-new robot with the latest technology had been introduced to improve the service quality of our school. Library and canteen become the two places where the robot can fully perform its functions. As to whether it should serve as a waiter in our school canteen or as a librarian in our library, our opinions vary from person to person. From my point of view, I strongly support that school canteen is the ideal place for the high-tech robot.
The reason is that a robot in the canteen can greatly increase the efficiency of ordering and getting foods. Owing to the limited lunch time but too many hungry students, we are all suffering from waiting in line and having lunch in a noisy and crowed place. With the help of artificial intelligence, we can just skip the step of queuing and ordering food. What we need to do is
sitting by the table and waiting for due food.
Such an intelligent robot will offer streamlined service. After being seated, we can tell the robot our seat number and what we want to have for lunch through an app with which the robot can receive the information. Then the robot will bring the ordered food to us. It
is worth noticing that the robot will be able to serve more than ten people each time, using a multilayer trolley.
All in all, the robot can help us save time and labor force to the full extent. Therefore, I am convinced that school canteen is a better choice. ( 257 words)
2018 年秋考真题大作文:假设你是明启中学高三学生卢平,校英文报向高三学生正文,题目是
“My Teachers ”,你想
① 把你遇到过的老师分类;
① 具体描述每一类老师的特征。
我知道 歌词My teachers
On the path of pursuing knowledge, numerous teachers we have encountered may have a lifelong impact on us, and even contribute to shaping who we are. Looking back on my school life, my teachers can be generally classified into three types: dedicated, approachable, and irresponsible.
Dedicated teachers are most popular among students not only because of their outstanding professional knowledge but also because of their devotion to the career of teaching. You can expect more than class time of them. They may have a face -to-face communication with you after class to enlighten you with a tricky math problem. They may sacrifice their family time to keep you company so that you can smooth your emotional problem caused by your own family. Needless to say, most teachers fall into this category.
The second type of teacher may seem less qualified in terms of their teaching skills, but they can also easily win students 'he arts because they can be entrusted wi th our deepest secrets. Childhood and adolescence are awkward periods when we struggle to explore our own way in the world. Our peers may be just as inexperienced as us while our parents seemingly live on
another planet. So a friendly adult like approachab le teachers can be a life saver.
We tend to be careful when labeling a teacher irresponsible, but they do exist. Some of them may ha
ve temper issue, while others may disregard their own job. One of my teachers fit the description, who was directly linked to my poor academic performance during his stint.
藏书阁In the future, as my learning continues, I will have opportunities to meet more teachers. Whereas, never will I forget the assistance from my previous teachers or their passion for knowledge.
2017 年春季高考
VI. Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1. 你对此事的明确态度;
2. 你的理由。
Dear LiHong,
Hearing that you have access to participate in an overseas communication activity in Britain which will last two months, I 'm now writing to extend a helping hand, hoping that my suggestions
that you should choose working as a volunteer thirty hours every month for the local community nursing home to gain an opportunity to stay in it for free may be beneficial to you to some extent.
There are three main reasons accounting for my proposal. First and foremost, only by working as a volunteer can you attain a free stay. Apparently, in contrast with the accommodation arranged by the host, you can save a substantial amount of money. In addition, staying at a community nursing home, not only can you be exposed more to real life in society and enhance
your social experiences, thus helping you to get more mature, but your arrival will add colors to the atmosphere and reduce the burdens there as well. Last but not least, there is no denying that the interaction with the elderly can polish up your socializing skills as well as raise your awareness to cooperate with strangers, which will contribute to your comprehensive and coordinated
