有什么好听的日文歌英国人写的 【机场常用词汇】有很全部:离港,行李,各种通告,机场保安措施处,登机, 起飞、降落,飞机上的服务,少见事情/事故,海关,边境管制
来源: 曹武龙的日志

离港    Departures 
登机手续办理    Check-in   
您 要靠过道的位子还是要靠窗的?    Would you prefer an aisle [seat] or a window seat?/Do you want to sit by a window or by the aisle. / Do you want a window [seat] or an aisle seat?   
我想要靠过道的位子    I would like an aisle seat   
我想要靠窗的位子    I’d like a window seat     
你有手提行李?    Do you have any carry-on luggage?   
对不起,你的手提行李太重了,你必须托运    Sorry! Your bag is too heavy, we will have put it with the luggage.                           
对 不起,你的手提行李太大了,不能放进行李仓里不能在,你必须托运    Sorry! Your bag is too big to fit in the overhead compartment; we will have put it with the luggage.     
背包    Backpack   
公文包    Briefcase   
手提电脑包    Laptop case/Laptop bag   
我想要托运行李    I would like to check in my luggage   
对不起,你的行李太重了    Sorry, your luggage is too heavy   
超重行李    Excess Baggage   
超重行李台    Excess Baggage counter   
我就是个学生,拜托你接受我行李    I'm just a student, please can you let my bag through.  (我不能保证。。但是你可以试试) 
别忘记, 你必须在新加坡转机    Don't forget that you have to change planes in Singapore.     
飞机几点起飞?    What time does it depart?/ When is take-off?   
飞机几点抵达 ?    What time will we arrive?   
飞机能正点起飞?    Will we depart on schedule?   
您的航班号码是多少?    What is your flight number?  (你有可能会听flight code)   
我的航班号码是多少?    What’s my flight number?   
在几号门(登机口)候机?    Which gate is my flight?/Which gate do I need to go to.   
您好,请出示您的机票。    Your ticket please / please show me your ticket     
请出示您的护照    Please show me your passport.   
对不起你的护照过期了    Sorry, your passport is expired   
我误了我的班机    I missed my flight   
我能不能做其他的(下一趟)航班?    Is it possible for me to catch the next one?     
是的,飞机还没有满员, 还有空座位。    The plane still has seats free.   
你得付钱    You have to pay though.   
是免费的    It is complimentary /it is free   
有几件行李?    How many suitcases do you have?   
我有。。。件行李    I have … suitcases.   
这是您的登机牌    Here is your boarding pass.   
取行李在哪里?    Where do I collect my luggage?/ Where is the luggage carousel?   
我需要个小推车    I need a [luggage] trolley   
小推车在那儿!    The trolleys are over there   
行李寄存处在哪儿?    Where is the left-luggage office?   
行李寄存处什么时候关门?    What time does the left-luggage office close?   
我的行李丢了    My luggage has been lost/ I cannot find my luggage   
我的行李被摔坏了    My luggage has been damaged   
行李牌     luggage tag   
免税店    Duty free shop   
我能带几瓶酒?    How many bottles of alcohol am I allowed on the plane.   
我可不可以用信用卡付    Can I use a credit card?   
我可不可以用人民币付    Do you accept Chinese yuan?   
飞机不能正点起飞了    The plane is delayed.   
飞机要推迟45分钟分钟    The plane will depart 45 minutes late / Departure will be 45 minutes later than originally scheduled   
航班取消了    The flight has been cancelled   
因为天气问题所以航班取消了。    This flight has been cancelled due to bad weather.     
机场保安措施处    [Airport] Security. 
你的手提行李必须通过X射线器。    We need to x-ray your hand luggage   
英文歌曲排行请把包放在盘下(里)    Please put your bag in the tray   
请把手提电脑放在盘下(里)    Please put your notebook/laptop in the tray   
请通过那门金属探测器    Please step through here /Please walk through the metal detector   
请脱下鞋子    Please remove your shoes   
请脱下金属的东西    Please remove/take off any metal items   
你有没有水瓶?    Are you carrying any water?   
你不可以带这个东西,对不起,我们得没收    You are not allowed to bring that on the plane, I am afraid that we’ll have to confiscate it.
登机    Boarding 
飞 悉尼的34U的航班的乘客请注意:带小孩或需要特殊帮助的乘客请开始登机, 请去2登
机口台 。    This is the pre-boarding announcement for Flight 34U to Sydney, We are now inviting those passengers with small children, and any passengers requiring special assistance , to begin boarding at Gate 2, (你会听, go to the boarding counter)   
请准备好您的登机牌和身份证件。大约15分钟后开始正常登机。谢谢合作。    Please have your boarding pass and identification ready. Regular boarding will begin in approximately fifteen minutes time. Thank you. 
头等舱和商业舱请排队登机    Please can all first class and business class passengers proceed to the boarding gate.   
其余乘客请排队登机    Can all remaining passengers proceed to the boarding gate.   
张 菲和陈凯必须马上去2登机口上飞机,飞机就要起飞了    This is the final boarding call for passengers Fei Zhang and Kai Chen, please proceed to Gate 2 immediately.    (这是超级重要)   
您好,请出示您的机票。    Your ticket please / please show me your ticket     
请出示您的登机牌和护照    Please show me your boarding pass and passport   
头等舱    First class   
商业舱    Business Class  (你也会听到 Executive class)   
经济舱    Economy Class (在美国,你也会听到 Coach [class], 不礼貌口语cattle class)   
优质经济舱    Premium Economy [class]   
飞机前舱是头等舱    First class is at the front of the plane   
飞机舱位升级需要多少钱?     How much does it cost to be upgraded?

起飞/降落    Take Off and Landing 
路途愉快    Bon Voyage!/Have a pleasant flight!   
(欢迎乘坐QE555航班,我是机长)Welcome on board Flight QE555, This is your Captain speaking. 
我们的飞行时间差不多12小时30分钟    We are expecting to arrive in 12 and a half hours   
(预计到达时间为当地时间上午8点)Our estimated time of arrival is 8am local time.
(我们代表全体乘务员祝您有个愉快的飞行)On behalf of all our crew, we wish you a pleasant flight.
飞机就要起飞了    The plane is about to take off   
飞机就要着陆    The plane is about to land.   
请系起来你的安全带。    Please fasten your seatbelt   
乘客们都应该座好(请坐好)    Please remain seated.   
先生/女士,坐下来!    Sir/Madam, please sit down. 
把座位放直    Please put your seat in the upright position.   
把托盘餐桌收起来    Put your tray table back /put away your tray table   
说实话,我害怕坐飞机    To be honest, I'm a little afraid of flying   
我们刚刚到达悉尼    We have just arrived in Sydney /We have just touched-down in Sydney   
飞机还动,请继续系着(系好)安全带        The plane is still moving, Please keep your seat belt fastened.   
乘客现在可以出港    Passengers can now disembark   
(请尽享您的假期)Please enjoy the rest of your holiday
五一旅游去哪里好飞机上的服务    In-Flight Service 
空服员    (女)Air Hostess/Stewardess (男)Steward (都性)Flight Attendant  (英国的不礼貌口语) Trolley dolly     
请问您需要点儿什么?    What do you want to order? 
七夕情人节祝福语简短我们可以给您咖啡还是(或)可乐。We have coffee and cola.
你们什么时候给我们饭    When are the meals?
是不是蔬菜吗(这个是素食吗)?    Is it vegetarian?
我饿死了,请给我方便面    I am really hungry, can you get me some instant noodles.
我的娱乐系统有问题    There’s a problem with my in-flight entertainment system.
(我后面的人太吵了,能帮我换个位子吗?)The people behind me are really noisy, can you move me to another seat.
(这里太拥挤了我的脚放不开,能帮我换个宽敞点的位子吗?)My legs are cramped, can you move me somewhere with more legroom.
请给我一个硬糖    Please can you give me a sweet to suck. 
少见事情    Unexpected Occurrences. 
不要紧张!    Please stay calm
别担心,只是一点气流    We are just experiencing a little turbulence.   
有时候飞机回遇上突然的湍流。    We may experience some sudden turbulence.   
这个舱有两个紧急出口    This cabin has two emergency exits   
如 果有紧急情况, 请穿在你的座位底下的救生衣, 氧气罩会自动降下。    If there is an emergency, please put on the life vest under your seat,  oxygen masks will come down automatically.   
请脱下高跟鞋    Please take off your high-heels.     
您怎么了?有什么可以帮助到你的吗?Are you okay? Can we assist you in any way?
您是不是不”舒服”?    Are you unwell?
各位乘客请注意, 机上有位乘客出现意外病情,如果哪位乘客是医生,请尽快与我们联系    If there is a doctor on board, please contact the flight staff.
协助我们进行抢救    Please assist us
为了避免意外的发生, 请大家在座位上做好    In order to prevent accidents,could everyone sit down.
对不起,你不可以(在飞机上)抽烟    Sorry, you are not permitted to smoke on the plane.   
你要跟我在飞机厕所里做爱?    Do you want to join the mile-high club?   
海关    Customs 
你有没有申报的物品?    Do you have anything to declare?   
我有要申报的物品    I have things to declare   
我没有要申报的物品    I do not have anything to declare   
如果你没有申报物品请走绿的通道    If you have nothing to declare, please go through the Green channel.   
如果你有要申报物品请走红的通道    If you have things to declare, please go through the Red channel.   
请打开您的包    Please open [up] your bag   
你带。。。了吗?    Do   ?   
酒精类饮品    Alcohol   
水果    Fruit   
蔬菜    Vegetables   
香烟    Cigarettes   
种子    Seeds     
盗版DVD    Pirate DVDs (你也会听 counterfeit DVDs)   
    [illegal] Drugs   
电脑怎么编程我只带了个人物品    These are for my personal use.   
你得付税    You need to pay tax on them.   
边境管制    Border Control /Immigration 
我是过境来的    I'm just in transit   
我来出差    I am here on business   
我是度假来的    I'm here on holiday   
我是持学生签证来的。    I'm here on a student visa.   
你打算住多久?    How long do you plan to stay?   
我就要住.....    I will    
迎宾处     greetings/arrivals 
货币兑换处    Money exchange / currency exchange / bureau de change
