My Mum/我妈妈(中⽂版)
Anthony Browne(作者)
She‘s nice, my mum ...My mum’s a fantastic cook, and a brilliant juggler. She‘s a great painter, and the strongest woman in the world! She's really nice, my mum. A warm, funny tribute to Mum (and to mums everywhere) by the brilliant author/illustrator Anthony Browne.
2017年元旦祝福语太经典的作品,⼏乎每个孩⼦都会喜欢的绘本!继My Dad之后安东尼布朗⼜绘制了这本My Mum,作为献给全天下妈妈的礼物。“我妈妈,她很棒。我妈妈是个了不起的厨师,也是个技艺精湛的杂耍员。她是个杰出的画家,她还是全世界最强壮的⼥⼈!这就是我妈妈,她真的很棒。”
Does a Kangaroo Have a Mother, Too?
Eric Carle(作者, 插图作者)
我爱家乡演讲稿Do animals have mothers too? Of course they do -- just like me and you! Meet the little joey whose Kangaroo mother carries him in her pouch, and the cygnet who rides on the back of the mother swan, just two members of Eric Carle's animal family.
卡尔爷爷的经典之作,⾮常适合⼩宝宝启蒙。⼩袋⿏有妈妈吗?有啊!就跟你我⼀样。那⼩狮⼦、⼩企鹅、⼩海豚呢?全球知名度最⾼的卡尔爷爷,⼀贯鲜艳的彩图,轻松学习的重复句型,让阅读变成充满趣味的亲⼦游戏。书末页亦附上各种动物的家族称呼列表,例如:⼩⽺-lamb;⽺妈妈-ewe;⽺爸爸-ram;⼀⽺-a flock。⼈类和动物在外观上也许不同,但母爱表现却是⼀样伟⼤的。
My Mother Is Mine
中国购买美国国债Marion Dane Bauer(作者),Peter Elwell(插图作者)
In simple verse, baby animals praise the attributes of their mothers and one little girl does the same. A baby robin loves how her mother feeds her worms, a baby kangaroo loves how tightly his mother holds him, and a baby giraffe loves how tall her mother is. Of all the special reasons why a mother is so special, baby loves her mother because her mother belongs only to her.
这本⾊彩柔和的床前故事书,像是⼀篇篇押韵的⼩诗!⽽书中主⾓,则都是以母亲为主题。My mother is soft.(The mother is a sheep.)My mother is strong.(The mother is a tiger.) My mother is brave.(The mother is a bear.)My mother still loves me when I misbehave. (The mother is a cat.)它将phonics 巧妙融⼊于⽂章之中,并藉由各种动物的特质,彰显了母爱的伟⼤!本书超越了ㄧ般主观⼈类的思维限制,将所有动物的母爱展现出来,是既温馨⼜让⼈感动的绘本童书。
Are You My Mother?
P.D. Eastman(作者, 插图作者)
A baby bird goes in search of his mother in this hilarious Board Book adapation of P.D. Eastman's classic story, perfect for babies and toddlers!A simple illustrated story of a baby bird's journey to find his mother. Children who have just started to read on their own will love following the baby bird on his quest as he asks everyone and everything that he meets 'Are You My Mother?
Why I love my mummy/我爱妈妈
Daniel Howarth(插图作者)
Featuring children’s own words and heart-warming pictures, this book can be given by boys or girls to their mummy on mothers’ day. Or at any time!‘I love my mummy because. ‘Everyone’s mummy is the best. And who better to tell the world than children themselves This charming book combines en
dearing things said by children about their mothers with gentle illustrations of familiar animals.With beautiful pictures and charming words from children, all about mummies, this is the perfect book to share with Mum!
The Runaway Bunny/逃家⼩兔(中⽂版)
The Runaway Bunny/逃家⼩兔(中⽂版)
Margaret Wise Brown(作者), Clement Hurd(插图作者)
A little rabbit who wants to run away tells his mother how he will escape, but she is always right behind him.
The runaway Bunny讲述了⼀个⼩兔⼦和妈妈玩语⾔捉迷藏的简单故事,⼩兔⼦对妈说:“我要跑⾛啦!” “如果你跑⾛了,”妈妈说,“我就去追你,因为你是我的⼩宝贝呀!”⼩兔⼦上天⼊地,可不管他扮成⼩河⾥的⼀条鱼、花园⾥的⼀朵花、⼀块⾼⼭上的⽯头,还是⼀只⼩鸟,⾝后那个紧追不舍的妈妈总是能够抓住他。最后,⼩兔⼦逃累了,依偎在妈妈的⾝边说我不再逃了,于是妈妈便喂了他⼀根象征爱的胡萝⼘。
梦到被狗咬Guess How Much I Love You/猜猜我有多爱你
Sam McBratney(作者),Anita Jeram(插图作者)
"Guess how much I love you," says Little Nutbrown Hare. Little Nutbrown Hare shows his daddy how much he loves him: as wide as he can reach and as far as he can hop. But Big Nutbrown Hare, who can reach farther and hop higher, loves him back just as much. Well then Little Nutbrown Hare loves him right up to the moon, but that's just halfway to Big Nutbrown Hare's love for him.
孩⼦总喜欢和别⼈⽐较,在Guess How Much I Love You这本图画书中的⼩兔⼦就是个典型的例⼦。有⼀只像孩⼦的⼩兔⼦和⼀只像爸爸的⼤兔⼦。⼩兔⼦像所有的孩⼦⼀样爱⽐较。它们俩在⽐赛谁的爱更多⼀些。⼤兔⼦⽤智慧赢得了⽐赛和⼩兔⼦稍微少⼀点的爱,可⼩兔⼦⽤它的天真和想象赢得了⼤兔⼦多出⼀倍的爱。两只兔⼦都获胜了。整个作品充溢着爱的⽓氛和快乐的童趣,⼩兔⼦亲切可爱的形象、两只兔⼦相互较劲的故事构架以及形象、新奇的细节设置都对孩⼦有着极⼤的吸引⼒。
Spot loves his Mum
Eric Hill (作者)
爱莲说 翻译Spot loves spending time with his mum, Sally. Each spread shows Sally and Spot having fun togethe
r in this brightly coloured board book. From playing hide-and-seek to eating Sally's cakes, every day is a fun day with Spot and Sally! Spot⼤概是全世界最有名的⼩奶狗了,⼀系列翻翻书让孩⼦不知不觉中爱上了Spot。这本《Spot loves his Mum》是
《Spot Loves Story Collection》系列中的⼀本,主要讲的是Spot 和他妈妈 Sally之间的⼩故事,他们⼀起玩捉迷藏、吃蛋糕,每⼀天都⾮常地有趣开⼼!
Where Is Baby's Mommy?
Karen Katz (作者, 插图作者)
Is Mommy behind the chair?Is Mommy behind the plant?Join baby as he plays hide-and-seek with Mommy. The sturdy format and easy-to-lift flaps in this delightful interactive book are perfect for parents and children to share.