主场:home/ host/ local court
客场:guest/ vistor/ road court
更衣室:locker room
前场:frontcourt 中场:mid-court 后场:backcourt
篮圈:ring/ rim/ hoop 篮网:net 篮板:backboard
罚球线:free throw line 罚球区:free throw lane/ the key 三秒区:low post 底线:baseline 边线:sideline 底线区域:wing 三分线
2、赛季 球员
季后赛:playoffs 半决赛:semifinals 总决赛:finals
控球后卫/组织后卫:point guard 得分后卫:shooting guard
中锋:center 大前锋:power forward 小前锋:small forward
替补球员:bench/ substitutes 第六人:sixth man 自由人:free agent
浏览器自动弹出网页老运动员:veteran 伤员名单:injury list 新人:rookie
投篮:field goal 带球上篮:layup 跳投:jump shot
立定投篮:set shot 钩手投篮:hook shot 拉杆式投篮:double pump
后仰投篮:fade-away shot 中距离投篮:perimeter shot
补篮:tip-in 扣篮:jam 单手扣篮:one-handed jam
双手扣篮:two-handed jam 重扣:slam dunk 反身扣篮:reverse dunk
擦板球:bank shot 空中接力:Alley-oop “三不沾”:air ball
苏轼 明月几时有4、战术
助攻:assist 盖帽:block shot/ rejection 运球:dribble 抢断:steal
传球:pass 妙传:magic pass 击地传球:bounce pass 切入:cut
新高考志愿填报交叉运球过人:crossover 快攻:fast break 掩护:pick/ screen
挡拆:pick-and-roll 换防:switch 传切配合:give-and-go
安兔兔测评假动作:fake 绕前防守:deny the ball 夹击:team
双人夹击:double-team 抢篮板挡人:box out 联防:zone
紧逼:press 半场紧逼:half-court press 全场紧逼:full-court press
防守篮板球/ 后场篮板:defensive rebound
进攻篮板球/ 前场篮板:offensive rebound
罚球:free throw 连续得分:run 两双:double-double
三双:triple-double 四双:quadruple-double
发球入场:throw in 跳球:jump ball 上/下半场:first/ second half
失误:turnover (带球)走步:traveling/ walking 翻腕:palming
两次运球(违例):double dribble 干扰进攻:goal tending
持球:held ball 3秒违例:three-second violation 24秒违例:shot block violation 进攻违例:illegal offense 防守违例:illegal defense
进攻方干扰投篮得分:offensive basket interference
防守方干扰投篮得分:defensive basket interference
犯规:foul 恶性犯规:flagrant foul 技术犯规:technical foul
阻挡犯规:blocking foul (带球)撞人(犯规):charging foul
推人犯规:hand-checking 出拳打架:throw a punch
无球队员犯规:loose ball foul 阻碍比赛正常进行:delay of game
即将犯满离场:foul trouble 犯满离场:foul out/ disqualification
驱逐出场:ejection 禁赛:suspension 球出界:out of bound
死球:dead ball 暂停:timeout 全时(100秒)暂停:full timeout
20秒暂停:twenty-second timeout 中场休息时间:halftime
换人:substitute 平局:tie 加时赛:overtime
(全场、上半场比赛)时间终了:expiration(of game, first half)
上场时间 Minutes (Min) 得分 Points (PTS) 篮板 Rebounds (RBS)
进攻篮板 Offense Rebounds 防守篮板 Defense Rebounds
进球数 Field Goals (FG) 三分球 3-Points (3P) 助攻 Assists (AST )
抢断 Steals (STL) 盖帽 Block Shots (BLK) 犯规 Personal Fouls (PF)
白污染调查报告罚球 Free Throw (FT) 失误 Turn Over (TO)