  时间:60沙尘暴是怎样形成的分钟      满分:100        命题人:姜
c__l__ect  w__ __de__f__l  tw__c__  fav__ __r__te  __e__ay  m__ra__h__n电风扇 不转
  h__b__y    b__ __ut__fu__  h__ __lth  u__ua__l__  s__ri_g  w__r__ie__
  a__v__s__  v__ge__a__l__s  sw__e__s  l__z__      k__if__  k__tch__p
q__i__t    d__m__l__ngs    f__u__t  r__st__ __r_nt  fl__ __r  e__c__se
ch__r__y    e__pe__s__ve      c__ __um__ers  cl__s__ma__e  d__l__ci__us
c__oc__la__e  br__a__f__st  s__u__a__e  h__mb__r__e__  d__f__i__u__t
u__b__e__la    s__ra__b__ __ry  y__u__s__lf  c中国移动网积分商城__le__y  c__k__  n__ __e支付宝怎么提现
1.sit(现在分词)___________                2.keep(过去式)_____________
3.knife(复数)__________                  4.light(反义词)________       
5.eight(序数词)__________                6.fish(复数)_____________     
7.nose(反义词)____________                8.you(反身代词)___________   
9hildren(所有格)_____________          10.I(同音词)_________
11.hungry(对应词)____________            12.teacher(动词)____________
13.small(反义词)___________              14.Chinese(复数)____________
15.make(过去式)___________                16.late(比较级)___________
17.old(反义词)____________                18.well(最高级)____________
19.one(序数词)___________                20.fast(反义词)_____________
21.teach(名词)____________                22areful(副词)____________
23.dirty(比较级)_________                24.wash(第三人称单数)_______
25.stop(过去式)___________                26.begin(动名词形式)________
27.have(单数第三人称)_______              28.four(同音词)__________
29.got(原形)________                      30.boy(对应词)___________
1.They are _______(go) to the beach tomorrrow.
2.He______(like) tomatoes ,but he_________(do) like carrots.
3.There______(be)a lot of eggplants on the table.
4.e______(have)____(a) egg and a glass of milk this morning.
5.________(draw)is my hobby, but sometimes I like going shopping with my mother.
6.Look!The relay race has__________(begin).
7.She is_________(real)a good football player.
8.e should listen to the teacher_________(careful) and we should have a good habit.
9.Before dinner, he should wash_______(he) hands first.
10.He likes_______(play)basketball,but He is not in our school volleyball team.
(    )1.I would like perples. How________you?
      A. are            B. do          C. about    D.do you
(    )2.Does Liu Hai have________hobbies?
      A. some              B. any          C. all      D.much
(    )3.The girl usually plays the violin_______Sunday morning.
      A. at                B. in                  C. on
(    )4.He______to school from onday to Friday.
      A. go                B. goes                C. going
(    )5._____am your English teacher. Please listen to_____.
      A. I, mine          B. I, me              C. you, my
(    )6.ate_______blue eyes. Her hair______brown.
      A. has, is            B. has, are            C. have, is
(    )7.The boy draws_____.
      A. careful            B. carefully          C. be careful
(    )8.Put your hands_____your head and turn _____left and right.
      A. on, /              B. on, to              C. with, /
(    )9.This is Ben. He is from______.He speaks_____.
      A. the USA, American  B. American, English  C. the USA, English
(    )10.Give me______orange,please. I want______big orange.
      A. an, an            B. a,an              C. an,a
1.surf the Internet_____________        2.dance beautifully______________
3.do exercise___________  _______      4.every day_______________                   
5.from Danfeng to ian______________   6.去购物______________                       
7.四点半______________________          8.瘦弱__________________                       
9.接力赛______________________          10.白雪公主_____________________
11.齐头并进___________________          12.请随便用_____________________
13.已经开始___________________          14.下班后_______________________
15.保持安静___________________          16.talk in class________________
17.make a noise_______________          18.祝你好运_____________________
19.太多_______________________          20.在蔬菜水果店_________________
