英 语 试 题(A卷)
I. 听力测试。(共30分)
(2020重庆中考A卷,听力测试, 30分, ★★☆)
1. A. See you.                B. Not at all.                C. Nice to meet you, too.
2. A. Here you are.                B. Thank you.                C. Never mind.
3. A. Yes, I'd love to.            B. Take it easy.            C. Don't worry.
4. A. That's right.                B. You're welcome.            C. Sorry to hear that.
5. A. Good idea.                B. Quite beautiful.            C. Come on.
6. A. Well done.                B. With pleasure.            C.I agree with you.
洗发水哪个牌子好7. A. To the airport.                B. To the bus station.        C. To the railway station.
8. A. Spring.                    B. Summer.                C. Autumn.
9. A. For one day.                B. For two days.            C. For three days.
10. A. Her friend.                B. Her brother.            C. Her sister.
11. A. A doctor.                B. A writer.                C. A scientist.
12. A. Once a week.            B. Twice a week.            C. Three times a wee.
13. How is the weather in Beijing today?
A. It’s hot.                    B. It’s warm.                C. It’s cold.
14. When is Jack going back home?
A. Next Tuesday.            B. Next Wednesday.        C. Next Thursday.
15. What is the new movie about?
A. The Chinese women’s volleyball team.
B. The Chinese women’s football team.
C. The Chinese men’s volleyball team.
16. What spirit of the team encourages all Chinese?
A. Loving peace.                B. Never giving up.            C. Depending on oneself.
17. Sandy is the _______ of the trip today.
A. guide                    B. teacher                C. actor
18. There are _______ groups on the trip.
A. two                          B. three                    C. four
19. If you get lost, you can find Sandy_______.
A. on Bus No. 2            B. by the river            C. at the ticket office
20. Before taking photos with the people who work at the palace, you should_______.
A. pay them first              B. wear traditional clothes    C. ask them if it’s OK
Ⅱ. 单选选择 (每小题1分,共10分)
21. (2020重庆中考A卷, 21, 1分, ★☆☆) Look! there are so many stars in _________sky.
A. a              B. an              C. the                D. /秦国历代国君
22. (2020重庆中考A卷, 22, 1分, ★☆☆)More villagers will move to new houses______ 20
A. in          B. on              C. at                D. for
23. (2020重庆中考A卷, 23, 1分, ★☆☆)Would you send me some ______of yours? I miss you very much!
A. magazines      B. photos            C. money            D. advice
24. (2020重庆中考A卷, 24, 1分, ★☆☆)What a ______boy! He worked out such a difficult math problem.
宁德景点A. strong            B. kind            C. lazy            D. clever
25. (2020重庆中考A卷, 25, 1分, ★★☆) Listen! Our ______ teacher in the music classroom.
A. sings            B. sang            C. will sing        D. is singing
26. (2020重庆中考A卷, 26, 1分, ★☆☆)They hope ______the basketball match.
A. win            B. won            C. to win            D. winning
27. (2020重庆中考A卷, 27, 1分, ★☆☆) Another bridge over the Jialing River ______last year.
A. Builds            B. built            C. is built            D. was built
28. (2020重庆中考A卷, 28, 1分, ★☆☆)Boys and girls, you should look after ______ when your parents are not at home.
A. Himself        B. herself            C. yourselves        D. themselves
29. (2020重庆中考A卷, 29, 1分, ★☆☆)Nobody can hear you______ you speak in a louder voice.
A. unless            B. if                C. when            D. after
30. (2020重庆中考A卷, 30, 1分, ★★☆)—Wow! The school uniforms can tell parents______!
—Cool! So the children won't get lost easily.
A. where are their children          B. where their children are
C. what do their children study      D. what their children study
(2020重庆中考A卷, 完形填空, 15分, ★★☆)
根据短文内容,从A、B、 C、 D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。
Our junior high school life is coming to an end. So my classmates and I decided to make a special   31  for our own favorite teacher in the ceramics(陶艺)class.
After being dried for a long time in the fire, our gifts for teachers were   32  . Chen Hui took them out of the kiln(窑). CRASH(碎裂声)! His cup, Xiao Yao’s   33  , and my heart broke into pieces all over the floor.
“My elephant lost her trunk(象鼻)!” Xiao Yao shouted. “My heart is broken!” I   34  almost at the same time.
“I'm so sorry!” Chen Hui said.守信用
“Bring   35  to the repair station,” said Xiao Yao, “Let’s see what we can do with some magic glue.” We tried many times,  36  the magic glue, worked only on Chen Hui’s cup. The trunk and the heart were in too many broken bits to put back together.
